The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean
Translation & Interpretation by Doreal
PREFACE to the original: Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean
I NTRODUCTI ON to the original: I nterpretation of the Emerald Tablets
TABLET I : The History of Thoth, The Atlantean
TABLET 1 1 : The Halls of Amenti
TABLET III: The Key of Wisdom
TABLET IV: The Space Born
TABLET V: The Dweller of Unal
TABLET VI : The Key of Magic
TABLET VI I : The Seven Lords
TABLET VI 1 1 : The Key of Mysteries
TABLET I X: The Key of Freedom of Space
TABLET X: The Key of Time
TABLET XI : The Key to Above and Below
TABLET XI I : The Law of Cause and Effect & The Key of Prophecy
TABLET XI 1 1 : The Keys of Life and Death
PREFACE to the original The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean
The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond the
belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years
B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt
after the sinking of the mother country. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza,
erroneously attributed to Cheops. (See The Great Pyramid by Doreal.) In it he incorpo-
rated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and in-
struments of ancient Atlantis.
For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt, from approximately
50,000 B.C. to 36.000 B.C. At that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and
his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization. Thoth was an
immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then
not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies,
including the ones in South and Central America.
When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the
entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for
his secrets from among the highest of his people. In later times, the descendants of
these guards became the pyramid priests, by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wis-
dom, The Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. In leg-
end, the halls of Amenti became the underworld, the Halls of the Gods, where the soul
passed after death for judgment.
During later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner de-
scribed in the tablets. As such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as
Hermes, the thrice-born. In this incarnation, he left the writings known to modern occult-
ists as the Emerald Tablets, a later and far lesser exposition of the ancient mysteries.
The tablets translated in this work are ten which were left in the Great Pyramid in the
custody of the pyramid priests. The ten are divided into thirteen parts for the sake of
convenience. The last two are so great and far-reaching in their import that at present it
is forbidden to release them to the world at large. However, in those contained herein are
secrets which will prove of inestimable value to the serious student. They should be read,
not once, but a hundred times for only thus can the true meaning be revealed. A casual
reading will give glimpses of beauty, but more intensive study will oven avenues of wis-
dom to the seeker.
But now a word as to how these mighty secrets came to be revealed to modern man
after being hidden so long.
Some thirteen hundred years B.C., Egypt, the ancient Khem, was in turmoil and
many delegations of priests were sent to other parts of the world. Among these were
some of the pyramid priests who carried with them the Emerald Tablets as a talisman by
which they could exercise authority over the less advanced priest-craft of races de-
scended from other Atlantean colonies. The tablets were understood from legend to give
the bearer authority from Thoth.
The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to South America where
they found a flourishing race, the Mayas who remembered much of the ancient wisdom.
Among these, the priests settled and remained. In the tenth century, the Mayas had
thoroughly settled the Yucatan, and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of
the great temples of the Sun God. After the conquest of the Mayas by the Spaniards, the
cities were abandoned and the treasures of the temples forgotten.
It should be understood that the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a tem-
ple of initiation into the mysteries. Jesus, Solomon, Apollonius and others were initiated
there. The writer (who has a connection with the Great White Lodge which also works
through the pyramid priesthood) was instructed to recover and return to the Great Pyra-
mid the ancient tablets. This, after adventures which need not be detailed here, was ac-
complished. Before returning them, he was given permission to translate and retain a
copy of the wisdom engraved on the tablets. This was done in 1925 and only now has
permission been given for part to be published. It is expected that many will scoff. Yet
the true student will read between the lines and gain wisdom. If the light is in you, the
light which is engraved in these tablets will respond.
Now, a word as to the material aspect of the tablets. They consist of twelve tablets of
emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. They
are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances. In effect, the atomic and cel-
lular structure is fixed, no change ever taking place. In this respect, they violate the ma-
terial law of ionization. Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean lan-
guage: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated
mental vibration in the mind of the reader. The tablets are fastened together with hoops
of golden-colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material. So much for the ma-
terial appearance. The wisdom contained therein is the foundation of the ancient myster-
ies. And for the one who reads with open eyes and mind, his wisdom shall be increased a
Read. Believe or not, but read. And the vibration found therein will awaken a re-
sponse in your soul.
I n Cosmic Harmony,
Supreme Voice of the Brotherhood
I NTRODUCTI ON to the original An I nterpretation of the Emerald Tablets
In the following pages, I will reveal some of the mysteries which as yet have only
been touched upon lightly either by myself or other teachers or students of truth.
Man’s search for understanding of the laws which regulate his life has been unend-
ing, yet always just beyond the veil which shields the higher planes from material man’s
vision the truth has existed, ready to be assimilated by those who enlarge their vision by
turning inward, not outward, in their search.
In the silence of material senses lies the key to the unveiling of wisdom. He who
talks does not know; he who knows does not talk. The highest knowledge is unutterable,
for it exists as an entity in lanes which transcend all material words or symbols.
All symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths, and many times the door is not
opened because the key seems so great that the things which are beyond it are not visi-
ble. If we can understand that all keys, all material symbols are manifestations, are but
extensions of a great law and truth, we will begin to develop the vision which will enable
us to penetrate beyond the veil.
All things in all universes move according to law, and the law which regulates the
movement of the planets is no more immutable than the law which regulates the mate-
rial expressions of man.
One of the greatest of all Cosmic Laws is that which is responsible for the formation
of man as a material being. The great aim of the mystery schools of all ages has been to
reveal the workings of the Law which connect man the material and man the spiritual.
The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual
man, for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities. The aspirant
for higher knowledge must develop the intellectual side of his nature and so strengthen
his will that is able to concentrate all powers of his being on and in the plane he desires.
The great search for light, life and love only begins on the material plane. Carried to
its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness. The
foundation in the material is the first step; then comes the higher goal of spiritual at-
In the following pages, I will give an interpretation of the Emerald Tablets and their
secret, hidden and esoteric meanings. Concealed in the words of Thoth are many mean-
ings that do not appear on the surface. Light of knowledge brought to bear upon the Tab-
lets will open many new fields for thought. “Read and be wise” but only if the light of
your own consciousness awakens the deep-seated understanding which is an inherent
quality of the soul.
In the Threefold Light
The History of Thoth, The Atlantean
I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magi-
cian, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the Halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty
wisdom of Great Atlantis.
In the great city of Keor on the island of Undal in a time far past, I began this incar-
nation. Not as the little men of the present age did the mighty ones of Atlantis live and
die, but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew their life in the Halls of Amenti where
the river of life flows eternally onward.
A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many
times have I ascended from the darkness into the light, my strength and power renewed.
Now for a time I descend, and the men of Khem shall know me no more. But in a
time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left
behind me. Then beware, O men of Khem, if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching, for I
shall cast ye down from your high estate into the darkness of the caves from whence ye
came. Betray not my secrets to the men of the North or the men of the South lest my
curse fall upon ye. Remember and heed my words, for surely will I return again and re-
quire of thee that which ye guard. Aye, even from beyond time and from beyond death
will I return, rewarding or punishing as ye have requited your trust. Great were my peo-
ple in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me;
knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity knowledge that be-
longed to Earth’s youth. Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who
dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire. And of all
these, greatest among the children of men was my father, Thotme, keeper of the great
temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of
men who inhabited the ten islands. Mouthpiece, after the three, of the Dweller of Unal,
speaking to the Kings with the voice that must be obeyed.
Grew I there from a child into manhood, being taught by my father the elder myster-
ies, until in time there grew within the fire of wisdom, until it burst into a consuming
flame. Naught desired I but the attainment of wisdom. Until on a great day the command
came from the Dweller of the Temple that I be brought before him. Few there were
among the children of men who had looked upon that mighty face and lived, for not as
the sons of men are the Children of Light when they are not incarnate in a physical body.
Chosen was I from the sons of men, taught by the Dweller so that his purposes
might be fulfilled, purposes yet unborn in the womb of time. Long ages I dwelt in the
Temple, learning ever and yet ever more wisdom, until I, too, approached the light emit-
ted from the great fire. Taught me he, the path to Amenti, the underworld where the
great king sits upon his throne of might. Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of
Life and the Lords of Death, receiving as my gift the key of Life. Free was I of the Halls of
Amenti, bound not by death to the circle of life. Far to the stars I journeyed until space
and time became as naught. Then having drunk deep of the cup of wisdom, I looked into
the hearts of men and there found I greater mysteries and was glad. For only in the
Search for Truthcould my Soul be stilled and the flame within be quenched.
Down through the ages I lived, seeing those around me taste of the cup of death and
return again in the light of life. Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves of
consciousness that had been one with me, only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.
In obedience to the law, the word of the Master grew into flower. Downward into
darkness turned the thoughts of the Atlanteans, until at last in his wrath arose from his
Agwanti, the Dweller, (this word has no English equivalent; it means a state of detach-
ment) speaking The Word, calling the power. Deep in Earth’s heart, the sons of Amenti
heard, and hearing, directed the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally,
changing and shifting, using the Logos, until that great fire changed its direction.
Over the world then broke the great waters, drowning and sinking, changing Earth’s
balance until only the Temple of Light was left standing on the great mountain on Undal
still rising out of the water; some there were who were living, saved from the rush of the
Called to me then the Master, saying: “Gather ye together my people. Take them by
the arts ye have learned of far across the waters, until ye reach the land of the hairy
barbarians, dwelling in caves of the desert. Follow there the plan that ye know of.”
Gathered I then my people and entered the great ship of the Master. Upward we rose
into the morning. Dark beneath us lay the Temple. Suddenly over it rose the waters.
Vanished from Earth, until the time appointed, was the great Temple.
Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the chil-
dren of Khem. Raging, they came with cudgels and spears lifted in anger seeking to slay
and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis. Then raised I my staff and directed a ray of vi-
bration, striking them still in their tracks as fragments of stone of the mountain. Then
spoke I to them in words calm and peaceful, telling them of the might of Atlantis, saying
we were children of the Sun and its messengers. Cowed I them by my display of magic-
science, until at my feet they grovelled, when I released them.
Long dwelt we in the land of Khem, long and yet long again. Until obeying the com-
mands of the Master, who while sleeping yet lives eternally, I sent from me the Sons of
Atlantis, sent them in many directions, that from the womb of time wisdom might rise
again in her children.
Long time dwelt I in the land of Khem, doing great works by the wisdom within me.
Upward grew into the light of knowledge the children of Khem, watered by the rains of
my wisdom. Blasted I then a path to Amenti so that I might retain my powers, living
from age to age a Sun of Atlantis, keeping the wisdom, preserving the records.
Great grew the sons of Khem, conquering the people around them, growing slowly
upwards in Soul force. Now for a time I go from among them into the dark halls of
Amenti, deep in the halls of the Earth, before the Lords of the Powers, face to face once
again with the Dweller.
Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few
there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over
the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
Deep and yet deeper placed I a force- house or chamber; from it carved I a circular pas-
sage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending
the ray into the “Time-Space”, drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating
upon the gateway to Amenti. (See The Great Pyramid by Doreal.)
Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming, yet hidden within them are the
keys to Amenti. He who in courage would dare the dark realms, let him be purified first
by long fasting. Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber. Then to reveal I to him
the great mysteries. Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him, even in the darkness
of Earth shall I meet him, I, Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him and dwell
with him always.
Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eter-
nally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, I built my knowledge of
“Magic-Science” so that it might be here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I
sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in
this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)
Emissary on Earth am I of the Dweller, fulfilling his commands so man might be
lifted. Now return I to the Halls of Amenti, leaving behind me some of my wisdom. Pre-
serve ye and keep ye the command of the Dweller: Lift ever upwards your eyes toward
the light. Surely in time, ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the
Master, surely by right ye are one with the All.
Now I depart from ye. Know my commandments, keep them and be them, and I will
be with you, helping and guiding you into the Light.
Now before me opens the portal. Go I down in the darkness of night.
The Halls of Amenti
Deep in the Earth’s heart lie the Halls of Amenti, far ‘neath the islands of sunken At-
lantis, Halls of the Dead and halls of the living, bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.
Far in a past time, lost in the space time, the Children of Light looked down on the
world. See the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from be-
yond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise from the Earth
to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as
their own. The masters of everything said after their forming: “We are they who were
formed from the space-dust, partaking of life from the infinite ALL; living in the world as
children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men.”
Then for a dwelling place, far ‘neath the earth crust, blasted great spaces they by
their power, spaces apart from the children of men. Surrounded them by forces and
power, shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead.
Side by side then, placed they other spaces, filled them with Life and with Light from
above. Builded they then the Halls of Amenti, that they might dwell eternally there living
with life to eternity’s end.
Thirty and two were there of the children, sons of Light who had come among men,
seeking to free from the bondage of darkness those who were bound by the force from
Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming, expanding, driving backward the
night. Placed in the center, a ray of great potence, Life giving, Light giving, filling with
power all who came near it. Placed they around it thrones, two and thirty, places for each
of the Children of Light, placed so that they were bathed in the radiance, filled with the
Life from the eternal Light. There time after time placed they their first created bodies so
that they might be filled with the Spirit of Life. One hundred years out of each thousand
must the Life-giving Light flame forth on their bodies. Quickening, awakening the Spirit
of Life.
There in the circle from aeon to aeon, sit the Great Masters, living a life not known
among men. There in the Halls of Life they lie sleeping; free flows their Soul through the
bodies of men. Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping, incarnate they in the bod-
ies of men. Teaching and guiding onward and upward, out of the darkness into the Light.
There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom, known not to the races of man, living
forever ‘neath the cold fire of life, sit the Children of Light. Times there are when they
awaken, come from the depths to be lights among men, infinite they among finite.
He who by progress has grown from the darkness, lifted himself from the night into
light, free is he made of the Halls of Amenti, free of the Flower of Light and of Life.
Guided he then, by wisdom and knowledge, passes from man, to the Master of Life.
There he may dwell as one with the Masters, free from the bonds of the darkness of
Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven Lords from the Space-Time above us,
helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom, the pathway through time of the children of
men. Mighty and strange, they, veiled with their power, silent, all-knowing, drawing the
Life force, different yet one with the children of men. Aye, different, and yet one with the
Children of Light.
Custodians and watchers of the force of man’s bondage, ready to loose when the
light has been reached. First and most mighty, sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords,
the infinite Nine, over the others from each Cosmic cycle, weighing and watching the
progress of men.
Under HE, sit the Lords of the Cycles; Three, Four, Five, and Six, Seven, Eight, each
with his mission, each with his power, guiding, directing the destiny of man. There sit
they, mighty and potent, free of all time and space. Not of this world they, yet akin to it,
Elder Brothers they, of the children of men. Judging and weighing, they with their wis-
dom, watching the progress Light among men.
There before them was I led by the Dweller, watched him blend with ONE from
above. Then from HE came forth a voice saying: “Great art thou, Thoth, among children
of men. Free henceforth of the Halls of Amenti, Master of Life among children of men.
Taste not of death except as thou will it, drink thou of Life to Eternity’s end. Henceforth
forever is Life, thine for the taking. Henceforth is Death at the call of thy hand. Dwell
here or leave here when thou desireth, free is Amenti to the Sun of man. Take thou up
Life in what form thou desireth, Child of the Light that has grown among men. Choose
thou thy work, for all souls must labor, never be free from the pathway of Light. One
step thou has gained on the long pathway upward, infinite now is the mountain of Light.
Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain; all of thy progress but lengthens the
goal. Approach ye ever the infinite Wisdom, ever before thee recedes the goal. Free are
ye made now of the Halls of Amenti to walk hand in hand with the Lords of the world,
one in one purpose, working together, bringers of Light to the children of men.”
Then from his throne came one of the Masters, taking my hand and leading me on-
ward, through all the Halls of the deep hidden land. Led he me through the Halls of
Amenti, showing the mysteries that are known not to man. Through the dark passage,
downward he led me into the Hall where sits the dark Death. Vast as space lay the great
Hall before me, walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.
Before me arose a great throne of darkness, veiled on it seated a figure of night.
Darker than darkness sat the great figure, dark with a darkness not of the night. Before
it then paused the Master, speaking The Word that brings about Life, saying: “Oh, master
of darkness, guide of the way from Life unto Life, before thee I bring a Sun of the morn-
ing. Touch him not ever with the power of night. Call not his flame to the darkness of
night. Know him, and see him, one of our brothers, lifted from darkness into the Light.
Release thou his flame from its bondage, free let it flame through the darkness of night.”
Raised then the hand of the figure, forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness, unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night.
Then grew in the great space before me, flame after flame, from the veil of the night.
Uncounted millions leaped they before me, some flaming forth as flowers of fire. Others
there were that shed a dim radiance, glowing but faintly from out of the night. Some
there were that faded swiftly; others that grew from a small spark of light. Each sur-
rounded by its dim veil of darkness, yet flaming with the light that could never be
quenched. Coming and going like fireflies in springtime, filled they the space with Light
and with Life.
Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying: “These are lights that are souls
among men, growing and fading, existing forever, changing yet living, through death into
life. When they have bloomed into flower, reached the zenith of growth in their life,
swiftly then send I my veil of darkness, shrouding and changing to new forms of life.
Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing, expanding into yet greater flame, lighting
the darkness with yet greater power, quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.
So grows the soul of man ever upward, quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of
I, Death, come, and yet I remain not, for life eternal exists in the All; only an obsta-
cle, I in the pathway, quick to be conquered by the infinite light. Awaken, 0 flame that
burns ever inward, flame forth and conquer the veil of the night.”
Then in the midst of the flames in the darkness grew there one that drove forth the
night, flaming, expanding, ever brighter, until at last was nothing but Light. Then spoke
my guide, the voice of the master: “See your own soul as it grows in the light, free now
forever from the Lord of the night.”
Forward he led me through many great spaces filled with the mysteries of the Chil-
dren of Light; mysteries that man may never yet know of until he, too, is a Sun of the
Light. Backward then HE led me into the Light of the Hall of the Light. Knelt I then before
the great Masters, Lords of ALL from the cycles above.
Spoke HE then with words of great power saying: “Thou has been made free of the
Halls of Amenti. Choose thou thy work among the children of men.”
Then spoke I : “0, great master, let me be a teacher of men, leading them onward
and upward until they too, are lights among men; freed from the veil of the night that
surrounds them, flaming with light that shall shine among men.”
Spoke to me then the voice: “Go, as ye will. So be it decreed. Master are ye of your
destiny, free to take or reject at will. Take ye the power, take ye the wisdom. Shine as a
light among the children of men.”
Upward then, led me the Dweller. Dwelt I again among children of men, teaching and
showing some of my wisdom; Sun of the Light, a fire among men.
Now again I tread the path downward, seeking the light in the darkness of night.
Hold ye and keep ye, preserve my record, guide shall it be to the children of men.
The Key of Wisdom
I, Thoth, the Atlantean, give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge, give of my
power. Freely I give to the children of men. Give that they, too, might have wisdom to
shine through the world from the veil of the night. Wisdom is power and power is wis-
dom, one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the
wise. If one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all.
Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the
freedom of men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime. Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
When thou has gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no avail if
thine heart be weary. Diminish thou not the time of following thine heart. It is abhorred
of the soul.
They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path.
If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart.
If one cometh unto thee for council, let him speak freely, that the thing for which he
hath come to thee may be done. If he hesitates to open his heart to thee, it is because
thou, the judge, doeth the wrong.
Repeat thou not extravagant speech, neither listen thou to it, for it is the utterance
of one not in equilibrium. Speak thou not of it, so that he before thee may know wisdom.
Silence is of great profit. An abundance of speech profiteth nothing.
Exalt not thine heart above the children of men, lest it be brought lower than the
If thou be great among men, be honored for knowledge and gentleness.
If thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend, ask not his companion, but pass a
time alone with him. Debate with him, testing his heart by his words and his bearing.
That which goeth into the store-house must come forth, and the things that are thine
must be shared with a friend.
Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance, and the things that are profitable
are to him hurtful. He liveth in death. It is therefore his food.
The wise man lets his heart overflow but keeps silent his mouth.
0 man, list to the voice of wisdom; list to the voice of light. Mysteries there are in
the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light. Let he who would be free from the
bonds of darkness first divine the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth;
for know ye that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes
one with fire. He who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal
fire and dwell in it eternally.
Fire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, for it overcometh all things and
penetrates to all things of the Earth.
Man supports himself only on that which resists. So Earth must resist man else he
existeth not.
All eyes do not see with the same vision, for to one an object appears of one form
and color and to a different eye of another. So also the infinite fire, changing from color
to color, is never the same from day to day.
Thus, speak I, Thoth, of my wisdom, for man is a fire burning bright through the
night; never is quenched in the veil of the darkness, never is quenched by the veil of the
Hark ye, 0 man, and list to this wisdom: where do name and form cease? Only in
consciousness, invisible, an infinite force of radiance bright. The forms that ye create by
brightening thy vision are truly effects that follow thy cause.
Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only
struggle and toiling thy utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. He who
knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realms of night.
Remember, 0 man, that all which exists is only another form of that which exists
not. Everything that has being is passing into yet other being and thou thyself are not an
Consider the Law, for all is Law. Seek not that which is not of the Law, for such ex-
ists only in the illusions of the senses.
Wisdom cometh to all her children even as they cometh unto wisdom.
All through the ages, the light has been hidden. Awake, O man, and be wise.
Deep in the mysteries of life have I traveled, seeking and searching for that which is
hidden. List ye, O man, and be wise.
Far ‘neath the earth crust, in the Halls of Amenti, mysteries I saw that are hidden
from men.
Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage, looked on the Light that is Life
among men. There ‘neath the Flowers of Life ever living, searched I the hearts and the
secrets of men. Found I that man is but living in darkness, light of the great fire is hidden
Before the Lords of hidden Amenti learned I the wisdom I give unto men. Masters
are they of the great Secret Wisdom, brought from the future of infinity’s end. Seven are
they, the Lords of Amenti, overlords they of the Children of Morning, Suns of the Cycles,
Masters of Wisdom. Formed are not they as the children of men? Three, Four, Five and
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine are the titles of the Masters of men.
Far from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of
men. Live they forever, yet not of the living, bound not to life and yet free from death.
Rule they forever with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death.
Life they have in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the Lords of the ALL.
Forth from them came forth the Logos, instruments they of the power o’er all. Vast is
their countenance, yet hidden in smallness, formed by a forming, known yet unknown.
Three holds the key of all hidden magic, creator he of the Halls of the Dead; sending
forth power, shrouding with darkness, binding the souls of the children of men; sending
the darkness, binding the soul force; director of negative to the children of men.
Four is he who looses the power. Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
Light is his body, flame is his countenance; freer of souls to the children of men.
Five is the master, the Lord of all magic— Key to The Word that resounds among
Six is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway, part of the souls of the children of men.
Seven is he who is Lord of the vastness, master of Space and the key of the Times.
Eight is he who orders the progress; weighs and balances the journey of men.
Nine is the father, vast he of countenance, forming and changing from out of the
Meditate on the symbols I give thee. Keys are they, though hidden from men.
Reach ever upward, 0 Soul of the morning. Turn thy thoughts upward to Light and to
Life. Find in the keys of the numbers I bring thee, light on the pathway from life unto life.
Seek ye with wisdom. Turn thy thoughts inward. Close not thy mind to the Flower of
Place in thy body a thought-formed picture. Think of the numbers that lead thee to
Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom. Open the door to the Kingdom of Light.
Pour forth thy flame as a Sun of the morning. Shut out the darkness and live in the
Take thee, 0 man! As part of thy being, the Seven who are but are not as they
seem. Opened, O man! Have I my wisdom. Follow the path in the way I have led.
Masters of Wisdom,
Sun of the Morning
Light and Life to the children of men.
Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh
The Space Born
List ye, 0 man, to the voice of wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Freely I give to thee of my wisdom gathered from the time and space of this cycle; mas-
ter of mysteries, Sun of the morning, Thoth the teacher of men, is of ALL.
Long time ago, I in my childhood, lay ‘neath the stars on long-buried Atlantis,
dreaming of mysteries far above men. Then in my heart grew there a great longing to
conquer the pathway that led to the stars. Year after year, I sought after wisdom, seek-
ing new knowledge, following the way, until at last my Soul, in great travail, broke from
its bondage and bounded away. Free was I from the bondage of earth- men. Free from
the body, I flashed through the night. Unlocked at last for me was the star-space. Free
was I from the bondage of night. Now to the end of space sought I wisdom, far beyond
knowledge of finite man.
Far into space, my Soul travelled freely into infinity’s circle of light. Strange, beyond
knowledge, were some of the planets, great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men. Yet
found I Law, in all of its beauty, working through and among them as here among men.
Flashed forth my soul through infinity’s beauty, far through space I flew with my
Rested I there on a planet of beauty. Strains of harmony filled all the air. Shapes
there were, moving in Order, great and majestic as stars in the night; mounting in har-
mony, ordered equilibrium, symbols of the Cosmic, like unto Law.
Many the stars I passed in my journey, many the races of men on their worlds; some
reaching high as stars of the morning, some falling low in the blackness of night. Each
and all of them struggling upward, gaining the heights and plumbing the depths, moving
at times in realms of brightness, living through darkness, gaining the Light.
Know, 0 man, that Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed
in thine heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting
to rend the veil of the night.
Some I found who had conquered the ether. Free of space were they while yet they
were men. Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things, far in space constructed
they a planet, drawn by the force that flows through the ALL; condensing, coalescing the
ether into forms that grew as they willed. Outstripping in science, they, all of the races,
mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars.
Long time I paused, watching their wisdom. Saw them create from out of the ether
cities gigantic of rose and gold. Formed forth from the primal element, base of all matter,
the ether far flung.
Far in the past, they had conquered the ether, freed themselves from the bondage of
toil; formed in their mind only a picture and swiftly created, it grew.
Forth then, my soul sped, throughout the Cosmos, seeing ever, new things and old;
learning that man is truly space- born, a Sun of the Sun, a child of the stars.
Know ye, O man, whatever form ye inhabit, surely it is one with the stars. Thy bod-
ies are nothing but planets revolving around their central suns. When ye have gained the
light of all wisdom, free shall ye be to shine in the ether— one of the Suns that light outer
darkness— one of the space-born grown into Light. Just as the stars in time lose their
brilliance, light passing from them into the great source, so, O man, thy soul passes on-
ward, leaving behind the darkness of night.
Formed forth ye, from the primal ether, filled with the brilliance that flows from the
source, bound by the ether coalesced around, yet ever it flames until at last it is free. Lift
up your flame from out of the darkness, fly from they night and ye shall be free.
Travelled I through the space-time, knowing my soul at last was set free, knowing
that now might I pursue wisdom. Until at last, I passed to a plane, hidden from knowl-
edge, known not to wisdom, extension beyond all that we know. Now, O man, when I
had this knowing, happy my soul grew, for now I was free. Listen, ye space- born, list to
my wisdom: know ye not that ye, too, will be free.
List ye again, 0 man, to my wisdom, that hearing, ye too, might live and be free. Not
of the earth are ye— earthy, but child of the I nfinite Cosmic Light.
Now, to ye, I give knowledge, freedom to walk in the path I have trod, showing ye
truly how by my striving, I trod the path that leads to the stars.
Hark ye, 0 man, and know of thy bondage, know how to free thyself from the toils.
Out of the darkness shall ye rise upward, one with the Light and one with the stars. Fol-
low ye ever the path of wisdom. Only by this can ye rise from below. Ever man’s destiny
leads him onward into the Curves of Infinity’s ALL.
Know ye, 0 man, that all space is ordered. Only by Order are ye One with the ALL.
Order and balance are the Law of the Cosmos. Follow and ye shall be One with the ALL.
He who would follow the pathway of wisdom, open must be to the Flower of Life,
extending his consciousness out of the darkness, flowing through time and space in the
Deep in the silence, first ye must linger until at last ye are free from desire, free from
the longing to speak in the silence. Conquer by silence, the bondage of words. Abstaining
from eating until ye have conquered desire for food, that is bondage of soul.
Then lie ye down in the darkness. Close ye your eyes from the rays of the Light.
Center thy soul-force in the place of thine consciousness, shaking it free from the
bonds of the night. Place in thy mind-place the image thou desireth. Picture the place
thou desireth to see. Vibrate back and forth with thy power. Loosen the soul from out of
its night. Fiercely must thou shake with all of thy power until at last thy soul shall be
Mighty beyond words is the flame of the Cosmic, hanging in planes, unknown to
man; mighty and balanced, moving in Order, music of harmonies, far beyond man.
Speaking with music, singing with color, flame from the beginning of Eternity’s ALL.
Spark of the flame art thou, 0 my children, burning with color and living with music.
List to the voice and thou shalt be free.
Consciousness free is fused with the Cosmic, One with the Order and Law of the
Knew ye not man, that out of the darkness, Light shall flame forth, a symbol of ALL.
Pray ye this prayer for attaining of wisdom. Pray for the coming of Light to the ALL.
“Mighty Spirit of Light that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony
to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL.
Lift up my soul, thou mighty and potent. Child of the Light, turn not away. Draw me in
power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the life-
strain and One with the Brain.”
When ye have freed thy soul from its bondage, know that for ye the darkness is
gone. Ever through space ye may seek wisdom, bound not by fetters forged in flesh.
Onward and upward into the morning, free flash, 0 Soul, to the realms of Light.
Move thou in Order, move thou in Harmony, freely shalt move with the Children of Light.
Seek ye and know ye, my Key of Wisdom. Thus, 0 man, ye shall surely be free.
Leonardo’s Canon, Leonardo da Vinci
The Dweller of Unal
Oft dream I of buried Atlantis, lost in the ages that have passed into night. Aeon on
aeon thou existed in beauty, a shining through the darkness of night.
Mighty in power, ruling the earth-born, Lord of the Earth in Atlantis’ day. King of the
nations, master of wisdom, Light through Suntal, Keeper of the Way, dwelt in his Temple,
the Master of Unal, Light of the Earth in Atlantis’ day.
Master, He, from a cycle beyond us, living in bodies as one among men. Not as the
earth-born, He from beyond us, Sun of a cycle, advanced beyond men.
Know ye, 0 man, that Horlet the Master, was never one with the children of men. Far
in the past time when Atlantis first grew as a power, appeared there one with the Key of
Wisdom, showing the way of Light to all.
Showed he to all men the path of attainment, way of the Light that flows among
men. Mastering darkness, leading the Man-Soul, upward to heights that were One with
the Light.
Divided the Kingdoms, He into sections. Ten were they, ruled by children of men.
Upon another, built He a Temple, built but not by the children of men.
Out of the Ether called He its substance, moulded and formed by the power of Ytolan
into the forms He built with His mind. Mile upon mile it covered the island, space upon
space it grew in its might. Black, yet not black, but dark like the space-time, deep in its
heart the Essence of Light. Swiftly the Temple grew into being, moulded an shaped by
the Word of the Dweller, called from the formless into a form.
Builded He then, within it, great chambers, filled them from forms called forth from
the Ether, filled them with wisdom called forth by His mind.
Formless was He within his Temple, yet was He formed in the image of man. Dwell-
ing among them yet not of them, strange and far different was He from the children of
Chose He then from among the people, Three who became his gateway. Chose He
the Three from the Highest to become his links with Atlantis. Messengers they, who car-
ried his councel, to the kings of the children of men.
Brought He forth others and taught them wisdom; teachers, they, to the children of
men. Placed He them on the island of Undal to stand as teachers of Light to men.
Each of those who were thus chosen, taught must he be for years five and ten. Only
thus could he have understanding to being Light to the children of men. Thus there came
into being the Temple, a dwelling place for the Master of man.
I, Thoth, have ever sought wisdom, searching in darkness and searching in Light.
Long in my youth I traveled the pathway, seeking ever new knowledge to gain. Until af-
ter much striving, one of the Three, to me brought the Light. Brought He to me the
commands of the Dweller, called me from darkness into the Light. Brought He me, before
the Dweller, deep in the Temple before the great Fire.
There on the great throne, beheld I, the Dweller, clothed with the Light and flashing
with fire. Down I knelt before that great wisdom, feeling the Light flowing through me in
waves. Heard I then the voice of the Dweller: “0 darkness, come into the Light. Long
have ye sought the pathway to the Light. Each soul on earth that loosens its fetters shall
soon be made free from the bondage of night. Forth from the darkness have ye arisen,
closer approached the Light of your goal. Here ye shall dwell as one of my children,
keeper of records gathered by wisdom, instrument thou of the Light from beyond. Ready
be thou made to do what is needed, perserver of wisdom though the ages of darkness
that shall come fast on the children of men. Live thee here and drink of all wisdom. Se-
crets and mysteries unto thee shall unveil.”
Then answered I, the Master of Cycles, saying: “O Light, that descended to men,
give thou to me of thy wisdom that I might be a teacher of men. Give thou of thy Light
that I may be free.”
Spoke then to me again, the Master: “Age after age shall ye live through your wis-
dom. Aye, when o’er Atlantis the ocean waves roll, holding the Light, though hidden in
darkness, ready to come when e’er thou shalt call. Go thee now and learn greater wis-
dom. Grow thou through Light to Infinity’s ALL.”
Long then dwelt I in the Temple of the Dweller until at last I was One with the Light.
Followed I then the path to the star planes, followed I then the pathway to Light.
Deep into Earth’s heart I followed the pathway, learning the secrets, below as above;
learning the pathway to the Halls of Amenti; learning the Law that balances the world. To
earth’s hidden chambers pierced I by my wisdom, deep through the Earth’s crust, into
the pathway, hidden for ages from the children of men. Unveiled before me, ever more
wisdom until I reached a new knowledge: found that all is part of an ALL, great and yet
greater than all that we know. Searched I Infinity’s heart through the ages. Deep and yet
deeper, more mysteries I found.
Now, as I look back through the ages, know I that wisdom is boundless, ever grown
greater throughout the ages, One with Infinity’s greater than all.
Light there was in ancient Atlantis. Yes, darkness, too, was hidden in all. Fell from
the Light into the darkness, some who had risen to heights among men. Proud they be-
came because of their knowledge, proud were they of their place among men. Deep
delved they into the forbidden, opened the gateway that led to below. Sought they to
gain ever more knowledge but seeking to bring it up from below.
He who descends below must have balance, else he is bound by lack of our Light.
Opened, they then, by their knowledge, pathways forbidden to man.
But, in His Temple, all-seeing, the Dweller, lay in his Agwanti, which through Atlantis
His soul roamed free. Saw He the Atlanteans, by their magic, opening the gateway that
would bring to Earth a great woe. Fast fled His soul then, back to His body. Up He arose
from His Agwanti. Called He the Three mighty messengers. Gave the commands that
shattered the world.
Deep ‘neath Earth’s crust to the Halls of Amenti, swiftly descended the Dweller.
Called He then on the powers of the Seven Lords wielded; changed the Earth’s balance.
Down sank Atlantis beneath the dark waves.
Shattered the gateway that had been opened; shattered the doorway that led down
below. All of the islands were shattered except Unal, and part of the island of the sons of
the Dweller. Preserved He them to be the teachers, Lights on the path for those to come
after, Lights for the lesser children of man.
Called He then, I Thoth, before him, gave me commands for all I should do, saying:
“Take thou, O Thoth, all of your wisdom. Take all your records. Take all your magic. Go
thou forth preserving the records until in time Light grows among men. Light shalt thou
be all through the ages, hidden yet found by enlightened men. Over all Earth, give WE ye
power, free thou to give or take it away. Gather thou now the sons of Atlantis. Take them
and flee to the people of the rock caves. Fly to the land of the Children of Khem.”
Then gathered I the sons of Atlantis. Into the spaceship I brought all my records,
brought the records of sunken Atlantis. Gathered I all of my powers, instruments many of
mighty magic.
Up then we rose on wings of the morning. High we arose above the Temple, leaving
behind the three and Dweller, deep in the Halls ‘neath the Temple. Down ‘neath the
waves sank the great Temple, closing the pathway to the Lords of the Cycles. Yet ever to
him who has knowing, open shall be the path to Amenti.
Fast fled we then on the wings of the morning, fled to the land of the children of
Khem. There by my power, I conquered and ruled them. Raised I to Light, the children of
Deep ‘neath the rocks, I buried my spaceship, waiting the time when man might be
free. Over the spaceship, erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man. There
‘neath the image rests yet my spaceship, forth to be brought when need shall arise.
Know ye, O man, that far in the future invaders shall come from out of the deep.
Then awake, ye who have wisdom. Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease.
Deep ‘neath the image lies my secret. Search and find in the pyramid I built. Each to
the other is the Keystone; each the gateway that leads into Life. Follow the Key I leave
behind me. Seek and the doorway to Life shall be thine. Seek thou in my pyramid, deep
in the passage that ends in a wall. Use thou the Key of the Seven, and open to thee the
pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom. Now unto thee I have given my way. Follow
the pathway. Solve thou my secrets. Unto thee I have shown the way.
Face of God, by Chapel Tibet
The Key of Magic
Threatening Skies, by Vincent van Gogh
Hark ye, 0 man, to the wisdom of magic. Hark to the knowledge of powers forgotten.
Long, long ago in the days of the first man, warfare began between darkness and light.
Men, then as now, were filled with both darkness and light; and while in some darkness
held sway, in others light filled the soul.
Aye, age old is this warfare, the eternal struggle between darkness and light. Fiercely
is it fought all through the ages, using strange powers hidden to man.
Adepts have there been filled with the blackness, struggling always against the light;
but others there are who, filled with brightness, have ever conquered the darkness of
night. Where e’er ye may be in all ages and planes, surely ye shall know of the battle
with night. Long ages ago, the Suns of the Morning, descending, found the world filled
with night. There in that past time began the struggle, the age old battle of darkness and
Many in that time were so filled with darkness that only feebly flamed the light from
the night.
Some there were, masters of darkness, who sought to fill all with their darkness;
sought to draw others into their night. Fiercely withstood they, the masters of bright-
ness; fiercely fought they from the darkness of night. Sought they ever to tighten the
fetters, the chains that bind man to the darkness of night. Used they always the dark
magic, brought into man by the power of darkness; magic that enshrouded man’s soul
with darkness.
Banded together in as order, Brothers of Darkness, they through the ages, antago-
nists they to the children of men. Walked they always secret and hidden, found yet not
found by the children of men. Forever they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from
the light in the darkness of night. Silently, secretly, use they their power, enslaving and
binding the souls of men.
Unseen they come and unseen they go. Man in his ignorance calls Them from below.
Dark is the way the Dark Brothers travel, dark with a darkness not of the night, trav-
eling o’er Earth they walk through man’s dreams. Power have they gained from the dark-
ness around them to call other dwellers from out of their plane in ways that are dark and
unseen by man. Into man’s mind-space reach the Dark Brothers. Around it, they close
the veil of their night. There through its lifetime that soul dwells in bondage, bound by
the fetters of the Veil of the night. Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge, forbidden
because it is one with the night.
Hark ye, 0 man, and list to my warning: be ye free from the bondage of night. Sur-
render not your soul to the Brothers of Darkness. Keep thy face ever turned toward the
Light. Know ye not, 0 man, that your sorrow only has come through the Veil of the
night? Aye, man, heed ye my warning: strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the
Light. For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun on their
pathway of Light have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of
List ye, 0 man, to he who comes to you. But weigh in the balance if his words be of
Light. For many there are who walk in Dark Brightness and yet are not the children of
Light. Easy it is to follow their pathway, easy to follow the path that they lead. But
yes, O man, heed ye my warning: Light comes only to him who strives. Hard is the
pathway that leads to the Wisdom, hard is the pathway that leads to the Light. Many
shall ye find, the stones in your pathway; many the mountains to climb toward the Light.
Yet know ye, 0 man, to him that o’ercometh, free will he be of the pathway of Light. Fol-
low ye not the Dark Brothers ever. Always be ye a child of the Light. For know ye, 0
man, in the end Light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light.
Listen, 0 man, and heed ye this wisdom; even as darkness, so is the Light.
When darkness is banished and all Veils are rendered, out there shall flash from the
darkness, the Light.
Even as exist among men the Dark Brothers, so there exists the Brothers of Light.
Antagonists they of the Brothers of Darkness, seeking to free men from the night. Powers
have they, mighty and potent. Knowing the Law, the planets obey. Work they ever in
harmony and order, freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night. Secret and hidden,
walk they also. Known not are they to the children of men. Yet know that ever they walk
with thee, showing the Way to the children of men. Ever have They fought the Dark
Brothers, conquered and conquering time without end. Yet always Light shall in the end
be master, driving away the darkness of night.
Aye, man, know ye this knowing: always beside thee walk the Children of Light.
Masters they of the Sun power, ever unseen yet the guardians of men. Open to all is
their pathway, open to he who will walk in the Light. Free are They of Dark Amenti, free
of the Halls where Life regins supreme. Suns are they and Lords of the morning, Children
of Light to shine among men. Like man are they and yet are unlike. Never divided were
they in the past. One have they been in Oneness eternal, throughout all space since the
beginning of time. Up did they come in Oneness with the All One, up from the first-space,
formed and unformed.
Given to man have they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm. He
who would travel the path of a master, free must he be from the bondage of night. Con-
quer must he the formless and shapeless; conquer must he the phantom of fear. Know-
ing, must he gain of all the secrets, travel the pathway that leads through the darkness,
yet ever before him keep the light of his goal. Obstacles great shall he meet in the path-
way, yet press on to the Light of the Sun.
Hear ye, O man, the Sun is the symbol of the Light that shines at the end of thy
road. Now to thee give I the secrets: how to meet the dark power, meet and conquer the
fear from the night. Only by knowing can ye conquer; only by knowing can ye have Light.
Now I give unto thee the knowledge, known to the Masters; the knowing that con-
quers all the dark fears. Use this, the wisdom I give thee. Master thou shalt be of the
Brothers of Night.
When unto thee there comes a feeling, drawing thee nearer to the dark gate, exam-
ine thine heart and find if the feeling thou hast has come from within. If thou shalt find
the darkness thine own thoughts, banish them forth from place in thy mind. Send
through thy body a wave of vibration, irregular first and regular second, repeating time
after time until free. Start the Wave Force in thy Brain Center. Direct it in waves from
thine head to thy foot.
But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened, be sure that a force is directed to
thee. Only by knowing can thou overcome it. Only by wisdom can thou hope to be free.
Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. Attain and ye shall have power o’er all.
Seek ye first a place bound with darkness. Place ye a circle around about thee. Stand
erect in the midst of the circle. Use thou this formula, and thou shalt be free. Raise thou
thine hands to the dark space above thee. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the Light.
Call to the Spirit of Light through the Space- Time, using these words and thou shalt be
“Fill thou my body with Spirit of Light. Come from the Flower that shines
through the darkness. Come from the Halls where the Seven Lords rule.
Name them by name, I, the Seven: Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven,
Eight— Nine. By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me
from the darkness of night: Untanas, Quertas, Chietal, and Goyana, Huer-
tal, Semveta— Ardal. By their names I implore thee, free me from darkness
and fill me with Light.”
Know ye, O man, that when ye have done this, ye shall be free from the fetters that
bind ye, cast off the bondage of the Brothers of Night. See ye not that the names have
the power to free by vibration the fetters that bind? Use them at need to free thou thine
brother so the he, too, may come forth from the night.
Thou, O man, art thy brother’s helper. Let him not lie in the bondage of night.
Now unto thee, give I my magic. Take it and dwell on the pathway of Light.
Light unto thee, Life unto thee, Sun may thou be on the cycle above.
Creation, by Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel)
The Seven Lords
Hark ye, 0 man, and list to my Voice. Open thy mind-space and drink of my wisdom.
Dark is the pathway of Life that ye travel. Many the pitfalls that lie in thy way. Seek ye
ever to gain greater wisdom. Attain and it shall be light on thy way.
Open thy Soul, O man, to the Cosmic and let it flow in as one with thy Soul. Light is
eternal and darkness is fleeting. Seek ye ever, 0 man, for the Light. Know ye that ever
as Light fills thy being, darkness for thee shall soon disappear.
Open thy soul to the Brothers of Brightness. Let them enter and fill thee with Light.
Lift up thine eyes to the Light of the Cosmos. Keep thou ever thy face to the goal. Only
by gaining the light of all wisdom, art thou one with the Infinite goal. Seek ye ever the
Oneness eternal. Seek ye ever the Light of the goal.
Light is infinite and Light is finite, separate only by darkness in man. Seek ye to rend
the Veil of the Darkness. Bring thou together the Light into One.
Hear ye, O man, list to my Voice singing the song of Light and of Life. Throughout all
space, Light is prevalent, encompassing ALL with its banners of flame. Seek ye forever in
the Veil of the Darkness, somewhere ye shall surely find Light. Hidden and buried, lost to
man’s knowledge, deep in the finite the Infinite exists. Lost, but existing, flowing through
all things, living in ALL is the Infinite Brain. In all space, there is only One wisdom.
Though seeming divided, it is One in the One. All that exists comes forth from the Light,
and the Light comes forth from the ALL.
Everything created is based upon Order: Law rules the space where the Infinite
dwells. Forth from equilibrium came the great cycles, moving in harmony toward Infin-
ity’s end.
Know ye, 0 man, that far in the space-time, Infinity itself shall pass into change.
Here ye and list to the Voice of Wisdom: Know that ALL is of ALL evermore. Know that
through time thou may pursue wisdom and find ever more light on the way. Aye, thou
shalt find that ever receding, thy goal shall elude thee from day unto day.
Long time ago, in the Halls of Amenti, I, Thoth, stood before the Lords of the cycles.
Mighty, They in their aspects of power; mighty, They in the wisdom unveiled.
Led by the Dweller, first did I see them. But afterwards free was I of their presence,
free to enter their conclave at will. Oft did I journey down the dark pathway unto the Hall
where the Light ever glows.
Learned I of the Masters of cycles, wisdom brought from the cycles above us, knowl-
edge brought from Infinity’s All. Many the questions I asked of the Lords of the cycles.
Great was the wisdom they gave unto me. Now unto thee I give of this wisdom, drawn
from the flame of I nfinity’s fire.
Deep in the Dark Halls sit the Seven, units of consciousness from cycles above. Mani-
fest They in this cycle as guide of man to the knowledge of All. Seven are they, mighty in
power, speaking these words through me to men. Time after time, stood I before them
listening to words that came not with sound.
Once said They unto me: “0 man, wouldst thou gain wisdom? Seek for it in the heart
of the flame. Wouldst thou gain knowledge of power? Seek ye it in the heart of the flame.
Wouldst be one with the heart of the flame? Seek then within thine own hidden flame.”
Many the times spoke They to me, teaching me wisdom not of the world; showing
me ever new paths to brightness; teaching me wisdom brought from above. Giving
knowledge of operation, learning of Law, the order of ALL.
Spoke to me again, the Seven, saying: “From far beyond time are We come, 0 man.
Traveled We from beyond the Space-Time, aye, from the place of Infinity’s end. When ye
and all of thy brethren were formless, formed forth were We from the order of ALL. Not
as men are We though once We, too, were as men. Out of the Great Void were We
formed forth in order and by Law. For know ye that that which is formed truly is form-
less, having form only to thine eyes.”
And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying: “Child of the Light, 0 Thoth, art thou,
free to travel the bright path upward until at the last All Ones become One.
Forth were We formed after our order: Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven, Eight— Nine.
Know ye that these are the number of cycles that We descend from unto man. Each hav-
ing here a duty to fulfill; each having here a force to control. Yet are We, One, with the
Soul of our cycle. Yet are We, too, seeking a goal. Far beyond man’s conception, Infinity
extends into a greater than All. There, in a time that is yet not a time, we shall ALL be-
come ONE with a greater than ALL. Time and space are moving in circles. Know ye their
law, and ye, too, shall be free. Aye, free shall ye be to move through the cycles— pass
the guardians that dwell at the door.”
Then to me spoke He of Nine, saying: “Aeons and aeons have I existed, knowing not
Life, and tasting not death. For know ye, O man, that far in the future, life and death
shall be one with the All. Each so perfected by balancing the other that neither exists in
the Oneness of All. In men of this cycle, the life force is rampant, but life in its growth
becomes one with the All. Here, I manifest in this your cycle, but yet am I there in your
future of time. Yet to me, time exists not, for in my world time exists not, for formless
are We. Life have We not but yet have existence, fuller and greater and freer than thee.
Man is a flame bound to a mountain, but We in our cycle shall ever be free. Know ye,
O man, that when ye have progressed into the cycles that lengthen above, life itself will
pass to the darkness and only the essence of Soul shall remain.”
Then to me spoke the Lord of the Eight saying: “All that ye know is but part of little.
Not as yet have ye touched on the Great. Far out in space where Light reigns supreme,
came I into the Light. Formed was I also but not as ye are.
Body of Light was my formless form formed. Know I not Life and know I not Death,
yet master am I of all that exists. Seek ye to find the path through the barriers. Travel
the road that leads to the Light.”
Spoke again to me the Nine saying: “Seek ye to find the path to beyond. Not impos-
sible is it to grow to a consciousness above. For when Two have become One and One
has become the All, know ye the barrier has lifted, and ye are made free of the road.
Grow thou from form to the formless. Free may thou be of the road.”
Thus, through ages I listened, learning the way to the All. Now lift I my thought to
the All-Thing. List ye and hear when it calls. “0 Light, all pervading, One with All and
All with One, flow thou to me through the channel. Enter thou so that I may be free.
Make me One with the All-Soul, shining from the blackness of night. Free let me be of all
space-time, free from the Veil of the night. I, a child of the Light, command: Free from
the darkness to be.”
Formless am I to the Light-Soul, formless yet shining with Light. Know I the bonds of
the darkness must shatter and fall before light.
Now give I this wisdom. Free may ye be, O man, living in light and in brightness.
Turn not thy face from the Light. Thy soul dwells in realms of brightness. Ye are a child of
the Light.
Turn thy thoughts inward not outward. Find thou the Light-Soul within. Know that
thou are the Master. All else is brought from within. Grow thou to realms of brightness.
Hold thou thy thought on the Light. Know thou are one with the Cosmos, a flame and a
Child of the Light.
Now to thee give I warning: Let not thy thought turn away. Know that the brightness
flows through thy body for aye. Turn not to the Dark- Brightness that comes from the
Brothers of Black. But keep thine eyes ever lifted, thy soul in tune with the Light.
Take ye this wisdom and heed it. List to my Voice and obey. Follow the pathway to
brightness, and thou shalt be One with the way.
A Moment in the Mind of God, by Chapel Tibet
The Key of Mysteries
Unto thee, 0 man, have I given my knowledge. Unto thee have I given of Light. Hear
ye now and receive my wisdom brought from space planes above and beyond.
Not as man am I for free have I become of dimensions and planes. In each, take I on
a new body. In each, I change in my form. Know I now that the formless is all there is of
Great is the wisdom of the Seven. Mighty are they from beyond. Manifest They
through their power, filled by force from beyond.
Here ye these words of wisdom. Hear ye and make them thine own. Find in them the
formless. Find ye the key to beyond. Mystery is but hidden knowledge. Know and ye shall
unveil. Find the deep buried wisdom and be master of darkness and Light.
Deep are the mysteries around thee, hidden the secrets of Old. Search through the
Keys of my Wisdom. Surely shall ye find the way. The gateway to power is secret, but he
who attains shall receive. Look to the Light! O my brother. Open and ye shall receive.
Press on through the valley of darkness. Overcome the dweller of the night. Keep ever
thine eyes to the Light-Plane, and thou shalt be One with the Light.
Man is in process of changing to forms that are not of this world. Grows he in time to
the formless, a plane on the cycle above. Know ye, ye must become formless before ye
are one with the Light.
List ye, 0 man, to my voice, telling of the pathways to Light, showing the way of
attainment when ye shall be One with the Light. Search ye the mysteries of Earth’s
heart. Learn of the Law that exists, holding the stars in their balance by the force of the
primordial mist. Seek ye the flame of the Earth’s Life. Bathe in the glare of its flame. Fol-
low the three-cornered pathway until thou, too, art a flame.
Speak thou in words without voice to those who dwell down below. Enter the blue-
litten Temple and bathe in the fire of all life.
Know, 0 man, thou art complex, a being of earth and of fire. Let thy flame shine out
brightly. Be thou only the fire.
Wisdom is hidden in darkness. When lit by the flame of the Soul, find thou the wis-
dom and be Light-Born, a Sun of the Light without form. Seek thee ever more wisdom.
Find it in the heart of the flame. Know that only by striving can Light pour into thy brain.
Now have I spoken with wisdom. List to my Voice and obey. Tear open the Veils of the
darkness. Shine a Light on the Way.
Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of
the coming of the children of shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the
wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into
this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of
earth-men. Only through blood could they have formed being. Only through man could
they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by the Masters, driven below to the place whence
they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to
man. Lived they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye,
when the blood was offered, forth came they to dwell among men.
In the form of man moved they amongst us, but only to sight where they as are
men. Serpent- headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among
men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their
arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o’er man. Only by magic
could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the
kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place.
But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of
the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the
secret, the Word that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the
serpent and cast him forth from place among men.
Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open at times to the world. Un-
seen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said. Again as time
passes onward shall they take the semblance of men.
Called may they be by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the
white master may control and bind them while in the flesh.
Seek not the kingdom of shadows, for evil will surely appear. For only the master of
brightness shall conquer the shadow of fear.
Know ye, O my brother, that fear is an obstacle great. Be master of all in the bright-
ness, the shadow will soon disappear. Hear ye and heed my wisdom, the voice of Light is
clear. Seek not the valley of shadow, and Light only will appear.
List ye, O man, to the depth of my wisdom. Speak I of knowledge hidden from man.
Far have I been on my journey though Space-Time, even to the end of the space of this
cycle. Found I there the great barrier, holding man from leaving this cycle. Aye, glimpsed
the Hounds of the Barrier, laying in wait for he who would pass them. In that space
where time exists not, faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles. Move they only through
angles. Free are they not of the curved dimensions.
Strange and terrible are the Hounds of the Barrier. Follow they consciousness to the
limits of space. Think not to escape by entering your body, for follow they fast the Soul
through angles. Only the circle will give ye protection, safe from the claws of the Dweller
in Angles.
Once, in a time past, I approached the great Barrier, and saw on the shores where
time exists not, the formless forms of the Hounds of the Barrier. Aye, hiding in the mist
beyond time I found them; and They, scenting me afar off, raised themselves and gave
the great bell cry that can be heard from cycle to cycle and moved through space toward
my Soul.
Fled I then fast before them, back from time’s unthinkable end. But ever after me
pursued they, moving in strange angles not known to man. Aye, on the gray shore of
Time-Space’s end found I the Hounds of the Barrier, ravening for the Soul who attempts
the beyond.
Fled I through circles back to my body. Fled, and fast after me they followed. Aye,
after me the devourers followed, seeking through angles to devour my Soul.
Aye, know ye man, that the Soul who dares the Barrier may be held in bondage by
the Hounds from beyond time, held till this cycle is all completed and left behind when
the consciousness leaves.
Entered I my body. Created the circles that know not angles, created the form that
from my form was formed. Made my body into a circle and lost the pursuers in the circles
of time. But, even yet, when free from my body, cautious ever must I be not to move
through angles, else my Soul might never be free.
Know ye, the Hounds of the Barrier move only through angles and never through
curves of space. Only by moving through curves can ye escape them, for in angles they
will pursue thee. 0 man, heed ye my warning; Seek not to break open the gate to be-
yond. Few there are who have succeeded in passing the Barrier to the greater Light that
shines beyond. For know ye, ever the dwellers, seek such Souls to hold in their thrall.
Listen, O man, and heed ye my warning; seek ye to move not in angles but curves.
And if while free from thy body, thou hearest the sound like the bay of a hound ringing
clear and bell-like through thy being, flee back to thy body through circles, penetrate not
the mist before.
When thou hast entered the form thou hast dwelt in, use thou the cross and the cir-
cle combined. Open thy mouth and use thou thy Voice. Utter the Word and thou shalt be
free. Only the one who of Light has the fullest can hope to pass by the guards of the
way. And then must he move through strange curves and angles that are formed in di-
rection not known to man.
List ye, O man, and heed ye my warning: attempt not to pass the guards in the way.
Rather should ye seek to gain of thine own Light and make thyself ready to pass on the
Light is thine ultimate end, O my brother. Seek and find ever the Light on thy way.
Angel Trumpets, by Dan Winter (Heart Chakra energies)
The Key of Freedom of Space
List ye, 0 man, hear ye my voice, teaching of Wisdom and Light in this cycle; teach-
ing ye how to banish the darkness, teaching ye how to bring Light in thy life.
Seek ye, 0 man, to find the great pathway that leads to eternal Life as a Sun. Draw
ye away from the veil of the darkness. Seek to become a Light in the world. Make of thy-
self a vessel for Light, a focus for the Sun of this space.
Lift thou thine eyes to the Cosmos. Lift thou thine eyes to the Light. Speak in the
words of the Dweller, the chant that calls down the Light. Sing thou the song of freedom.
Sing thou the song of the Soul. Create the high vibration that will make thee One with
the Whole. Blend all thyself with the Cosmos. Grow into One with the Light. Be thou a
channel of order, a pathway of Law to the world.
Thy Light, O man, is the great Light, shining through the shadow of flesh. Free must
thou rise from the darkness before thou art One with the Light.
Shadows of darkness surround thee. Life fills thee with its flow. But know, 0 man,
thou must arise and forth from thy body go far to the planes that surround thee and yet
are One with thee, too.
Look all around thee, 0 man. See thine own light reflected. Aye, even in the dark-
ness around thee, thine own Light pours forth through the veil.
Seek thou for wisdom always. Let not thine body betray. Keep in the path of the
Light wave. Shun thou the darkened way. Know thee that wisdom is lasting, existing
since the All-Soul began, creating harmony from chaos by the Law that exists in the Way.
List ye, 0 man, to the teaching of wisdom. List to the voice that speaks of the past-
time. Aye, I shall tell thee knowledge forgotten, tell ye of wisdom hidden in past-time,
lost in the mist of darkness around me.
Know ye, man, ye are the ultimate of all things. Only the knowledge of this is forgot-
ten, lost when man was cast into bondage, bound and fettered by the chains of the dark-
Long, long ago, I cast off my body. Wandered I free through the vastness of ether,
circled the angles that hold man in bondage. Know ye, O man, ye are only a spirit. The
body is nothing. The Soul is All. Let not your body be a fetter. Cast off the darkness and
travel in Light. Cast off your body, O man, and be free, truly a Light that is One with the
When ye are free from the fetters of darkness and travel in space as a Sun of the
Light, then ye shall know that space is not boundless but truly bounded by angles and
curves. Know ye, O man, that all that exists is only an aspect of greater things yet to
come. Matter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to an-
All through the ages has knowledge existed; never been changed, though buried in
darkness; never been lost, though forgotten by man.
Know ye that throughout the space that ye dwell in are others as great as your own,
interlaced through the heart of your matter yet separate in space of their own.
Once in a time long forgotten, I, Thoth, opened the doorway, penetrated into other
spaces and learned of the secrets concealed. Deep in the essence of matter are many
mysteries concealed.
Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and Nine are the cycles of space. Nine are the
diffusions of consciousness, and Nine are the worlds within worlds. Aye, Nine are the
Lords and the cycles that come from above and below.
Space is filled with concealed ones, for space is divided by time. Seek ye the key to
the time-space, and ye shall unlock the gate. Know ye that throughout the time-space
consciousness surely exists. Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet still it forever
The key to worlds within thee are found only within. For man is the gateway of mys-
tery and the key that is One within One.
Seek ye within the circle. Use the Word I shall give. Open the gateway within thee,
and sure thou, too, shalt live. Man, ye think that ye liveth, but know it is life within
death. For as sure as ye are bound to your body, for you no life exists. Only the Soul is
space-free, has life that is really a life. All else is only a bondage, a fetter from which to
be free.
Think not that man is earth-born, though come from the earth he may be. Man is a
light- born spirit. But, without knowing, he can never be free. Darkness fetters the Soul.
Only the one who is seeking may ever hope to be free.
Shadows around thee are falling. Darkness fills all the spaces. Shine forth, 0 Light of
the man-soul. Fill thou the darkness of space. Ye are a Sun of the Great Light. Remem-
ber and ye shall be free. Stay not thou in the shadows. Spring forth from the darkness of
night. Light, let thy Soul be, 0 Sun-Born, filled with glory of Light, freed from the bonds
of darkness, a Soul that is One with the Light.
Thou art the key to all wisdom. Within thee is all time and space. Live not in bondage
to darkness. Free thou thy Light-form from night.
“Great Light that fills all the Cosmos, flow thou fully to man. Make of his body a light-
torch that shall never be quenched among men.”
Long in the past, sought I wisdom, knowledge not known to man. Far to the past I
traveled into the space where time began. Sought I ever new knowledge to add to the
wisdom I know. Yet only, I found, did the future hold the key to the wisdom I sought.
Down to the Halls of Amenti I journeyed, the greater knowledge to seek. Asked of
the Lords of the Cycles, the way to the wisdom I sought. Asked the Lords this question:
“Where is the source of ALL?” Answered, in tones that were mighty, the voice of the Lord
of the Nine: “Free thou thy Soul from thy body and come forth with me to the Light.”
Forth I came from my body, a glittering flame in the night. Stood I before the Lords,
bathed in the fire of Life. Seized was I then by a force, great beyond knowledge of man.
Cast was I to the Abyss through spaces unknown to man.
Saw I moulding of Order from the chaos and angles of night. Saw I the Light spring
from Order and heard the voice of the Light. Saw I the flame of the Abyss, casting forth
Order and Light. Saw Order spring out of chaos. Saw Light giving forth Life.
Then heard I the voice: “Hear thou and understand. The flame is the source of all
things, containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth light is the Word
and from the Word comes Life and the existence of all.” And again spoke the voice say-
ing: “The Life in thee is the Word. Find thou the Life within thee, and have powers to use
of the Word.”
Long I watched the Light-flame, pouring forth from the Essence of Fire, realizing that
Life is but Order and that man is one with the fire.
Back I came to my body. Stood again with the Nine, listened to the voice of the Cy-
cles, vibrate with powers they spoke: “Know ye, 0 Thoth, that Life is but the Word of the
Fire. The Life force ye seek before thee is but the Word in the World as a fire. Seek ye
the path to the Word and powers shall surely be thine.”
Then asked I of the Nine: “0 Lord, show me the path. Give me the path to the wis-
dom. Show me the way to the Word.” Answered, me then, the Lord of the Nine:
“Through Order, ye shall find the way. Saw ye not that the Word came from Chaos? Saw
ye not that Light came from Fire? Look in thy life for disorder. Balance and order thy life.
Quell all the Chaos of emotions and thou shalt have order in Life. Order brought forth
from Chaos will bring thee the Word of the Source, will give thee the power of Cycles,
and make of thy Soul a force that free will extend through the ages, a perfected Sun
from the Source.”
Listened I to the voice and deep sank the words in my heart. For ever have I sought
for order that I might draw on the word. Know ye that he who attains it must ever in Or-
der be. For use of the Word through disorder has never and can never be.
Take ye these words, O man. As part of thy life, let them be. Seek thee to conquer
disorder, and One with the Word thou shalt be.
Put forth thy effort in gaining Light on the pathway of Life. Seek to be One with the
Sun-State. Seek to be solely the Light. Hold thou thy thought on the Oneness of Light
with the body of man. Know that all is Order from Chaos born into Light.
Somewhere in the Cosmos, by Hubble Telescope
The Key of Time
List ye, 0 man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of the deep hidden mysteries of space.
Learn of the Thought that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.
Know ye, O man, that all that exists has being only because of the Law. Know ye the
Law and ye shall be free, never be bound by the fetters of night.
Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed into the depth of the abyss of time,
learning strange and yet stranger mysteries, until in the end all was revealed. Know ye
that mystery is only mystery when it is knowledge unknown to man.
When you have plumbed the heart of all mystery, knowledge and wisdom will surely
be thine.
Seek ye and learn that Time is the secret whereby ye may be free of this space.
Long have I, Thoth, sought wisdom; aye, and shall seek to eternity’s end for know I
that ever before receding shall move the goal I seek to attain. Even the Lords of the Cy-
cles know that not yet have They reached the goal, for with all of their wisdom, they
know that Truth ever grows.
Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller. Asked of the mystery of time and space.
Asked him the question that surged in my being, saying: “0 Master, what is time?”
Then to me spoke He, the Master: “Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there was
void and nothingness: a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came
a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the Void. There existed no matter, only
force, a movement, a vortex of vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the Void.”
And I questioned the Master, saying: “Was this thought eternal?” And answered me
the Dweller, saying: “In the beginning, there was eternal thought, and for thought to be
eternal, time must exist. So into the all-pervading thought grew the Law of Time. Aye,
time which exists through all space, floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement that is
eternally in a state of fixation. Time changes not, but all things change in time. For time
is the force that holds events separate, each in its proper place. Time is not in motion,
but ye move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another. Aye,
by time ye exist, all in all, an eternal One existence. Know ye that even though in time ye
are separate, yet still are One in all times existent.” Ceased then the voice of the
Dweller, and departed I to ponder on time. For knew I that in these words lay wisdom
and a way to explore the mysteries of time.
Oft did I ponder the words of the Dweller. Then sought I to solve the mystery of
time. Found I that time moves through strange angles. Yet only by curves could I hope
to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space. Found I that only by mov-
ing upward and yet again by moving to right-ward could I be free from the time of this
Forth I came from out of my body, moved in the movements that changed me in
time. Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys, many the mysteries that opened to
view. Aye, saw I man’s beginning, learned from the past that nothing is new.
Seek ye, 0 man, to learn the pathway that leads through the spaces that are formed
forth in time.
Forget not, 0 man, with all of thy seeking that Light is the goal ye shall seek to at-
tain. Search ye ever for Light on thy pathway and ever for thee the goal shall endure. Let
not thine heart turn ever to darkness. Light let thine Soul be, a sun on the way. Know ye
that in the eternal brightness, ye shall ever find thy Soul hid in the Light, never fettered
by bondage to darkness, ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light.
Aye, know, though hidden in darkness, your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists.
Be ye One with the greatest of all Lights. Find at the Source, the End of thy goal.
Light is life, for without the great Light nothing can ever exist. Know ye, that in all
formed matter, the heart of Light always exists. Aye, even though bound in the darkness,
inherent Light always exists.
Once I stood in the Halls of Amenti and heard the voice of the Lords of Amenti, say-
ing in tones that rang through the silence, words of power, mighty and potent. Chanted
they the song of the cycles, the words that opened the path to beyond. Aye, I saw the
great path opened and looked for an instant into the beyond. Saw I the movements of
the cycles, vast as the thought of the Source could convey.
Knew I then that even Infinity is moving on to some unthinkable end. Saw I that the
Cosmos is Order and part of a movement that extends to all space, a part of an Order of
Orders, constantly moving in a harmony of space. Saw I the wheeling of cycles like vast
circles across the sky. Knew I then that all that has being is growing to meet yet other
being in a far-off grouping of space and of time. Knew I then that in Words are power to
open the planes that are hidden from man. Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key
that will open above and below.
Hark ye now, man, this word I leave with thee. Use it and ye shall find power in its
sound. Say ye, the word: “Zin-Uru” and power ye shall find. Yet must ye understand that
man is of Light and Light is of man.
List ye, 0 man, and hear a mystery stranger than all that lies ‘neath the Sun. Know
ye, O man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds; aye, one within the other yet
separate by Law.
Once in my search for deep buried wisdom, I opened the door that bars Them from
man. Called I from other planes of being, one who was fairer than the daughters of men.
Aye, I called her from out of the spaces to shine as a Light in the world of men.
Used I the drum of the Serpent. Wore I the robe of the purple and gold. Placed on
my head, I, the crown of Silver. Around me the circle of cinnabar shone. Raised I my
arms and cried the invocation that opens the path to the planes beyond, cried to the
Lords of the Signs in their houses: “Lords of the two horizons, watchers of the treble
gates, stand ye One at the right and One at the left as the Star rises to his throne and
rules over his sign. Aye, thou dark prince of Arulu, open the gates of the dim, hidden
land and release her whom ye keep imprisoned.
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, dark Lords and Shining Ones, and by their secret names,
names which I know and can pronounce, hear ye and obey my will.”
Lit I then with flame my circle and called Her in the space-planes beyond. “Daughter
of Light return from Arulu. Seven times and seven times have I passed through the fire.
Food have I not eaten. Water have I not drunk. I call thee from Arulu, from the realm of
Ekershegal, I summon thee, Lady of Light.”
Then before me rose the dark figures; aye, the figures of the Lords of Arulu. Parted
they before me and forth came the Lady of Light. Free was she now from the Lords of the
night, free to live in the Light of the earth Sun, free to live as a child of Light.
Here ye and listen, 0 my children. Magic is knowledge and only is Law. Be not afraid
of the power within thee for it follows Law as the stars in the sky.
Know ye that to he without knowledge, wisdom is magic and not of the Law. But
know ye that ever ye by your knowledge can approach closer to a place in the Sun.
List ye, my children, follow my teaching. Be ye ever seeker of Light. Shine in the
world of men all around thee, a Light on the path that shall shine among men.
Follow ye and learn of my magic. Know that all force is thine if thou wilt. Fear not the
path that leads thee to knowledge, but rather shun ye the dark road.
Light is thine, O man, for the taking. Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free.
Know ye that thy Soul is living in bondage fettered by fear that holds ye in thrall. Open
thy eyes and see the great Sun-Light. Be not afraid for all is thine own. Fear is the Lord
of dark Arulu to he who has never faced the dark fear. Aye, know that fear has existence
created by those who are bound by their fears.
Shake off thy bondage, 0 children, and walk in the Light of the glorious day. Never
turn thy thoughts to the darkness and surely ye shall be One with the Light.
Man is only what he believeth, a brother of darkness or a child of the Light. Come
thou into the Light my Children. Walk in the pathway that leads to the Sun.
Hark ye now and list to the wisdom. Use thou the word I have given unto thee. Use it
and surely thou shalt find power and wisdom and Light to walk in the way. Seek thee and
find the key I have given and ever shalt thou be a Child of the Light.
Sri Yantra
The Key to Above and Below
Hear ye and list ye, O children of Khem, to the words that I give that shall bring ye
to the Light. Ye know, O men, that I knew your fathers, aye, your fathers in a time long
ago. Deathless have I been through all the ages, living among ye since your knowledge
began. Leading ye upward to the Light of the Great Soul have I ever striven, drawing ye
from out of the darkness of night.
Know ye, O people amongst whom I walk, that I, Thoth, have all of the knowledge
and all of the wisdom known to man since the ancient days. Keeper have I been of the
secrets of the great race, holder of the key that leads into life. Bringer up have I been to
ye, O my children, even from the darkness of the Ancient of Days. List ye now to the
words of my wisdom. List ye now to the message I bring. Hear ye now the words I give
thee, and ye shall be raised from the darkness to Light.
Far in the past, when first I came to thee, found I thee in caves of rocks. Lifted I
thee by my power and wisdom until thou didst shine as men among men. Aye, found I
thee without any knowing. Only a little were ye raised beyond beasts. Fanned I ever the
spark of thy consciousness until at last ye flamed as men.
Now shall I speak to thee knowledge ancient beyond the thought of thy race. Know
ye that we of the Great Race had and have knowledge that is more than man’s. Wisdom
we gained from the star- born races, wisdom and knowledge far beyond man’s. Down to
us had descended the masters of wisdom as far beyond us as I am from thee. List ye
now while I give ye wisdom. Use it and free thou shalt be.
Know ye that in the pyramid I builded are the Keys that shall show ye the Way into
life. Aye, draw ye a line from the great image I builded, to the apex of the pyramid, built
as a gateway. Draw ye another opposite in the same angle and direction. Dig ye and find
that which I have hidden. There shall ye find the underground entrance to the secrets
hidden before ye were men.
Tell ye I now of the mystery of cycles that move in movements that are strange to
the finite, for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man. Know ye that there are nine of
the cycles; aye, nine above and fourteen below, moving in harmony to the place of join-
ing that shall exist in the future of time. Know ye that the Lords of the Cycles are units of
consciousness sent from the others to unify This with the All. Highest are They of the
consciousness of all the Cycles, working in harmony with the Law. Know They that in
time all will be perfected, having none above and none below, but all One in a perfected
I nfinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All.
Deep ‘neath Earth’s surface in the Halls of Amenti sit the Seven, the Lords of the
Cycles, aye, and another, the Lord from below. Yet know thee that in Infinity there is
neither above nor below. But ever there is and ever shall be Oneness of All when all is
complete. Oft have I stood before the Lords of the All. Oft at the fount of their wisdom
have drunken and filled both my body and Soul with their Light.
Spake they to me and told me of cycles and the Law that gives them the means to
exist. Aye, spake to me the Lord of the Nine saying: “O, Thoth, great are ye among
Earth’s children, but mysteries exist of which ye know not. Ye know that ye came from a
space-time below this and know ye shall travel to a space-time beyond. But little ye
know of the mysteries within them, little ye know of the wisdom beyond. Know ye that ye
as a whole in this consciousness are only a cell in the process of growth.
The consciousness below thee is ever-expanding in different ways from those known
to thee. Aye, it, though in space-time below thee, is ever growing in ways that are differ-
ent from those that were part of the ways of thine own. For know that it grows as a re-
sult of thy growth but not in the same way that thou didst grow. The growth that thou
had and have in the present have brought into being a cause and effect. No conscious-
ness follows the path of those before it, else all would be repetition and vain. Each con-
sciousness in the cycle it exists in follows its own path to the ultimate goal. Each plays its
part in the Plan of the Cosmos. Each plays its part in the ultimate end. The farther the
cycle, the greater its knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole.
Know ye, that ye in the cycles below us are working the minor parts of the Law,
while we of the cycle that extends to I nfinity take of the striving and build greater Law.
Each has his own part to play in the cycles. Each has his work to complete in his
way. The cycle below thee is yet not below thee but only formed for a need that exists.
For know ye that the fountain of wisdom that sends forth the cycles is eternally seeking
new powers to gain. Ye know that knowledge is gained only by practice, and wisdom
comes forth only from knowledge, and thus are the cycles created by Law. Means are
they for the gaining of knowledge for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All. The
cycle below is not truly below but only different in space and in time. The consciousness
there is working and testing lesser things than those ye are. And know, just as ye are
working on greater, so above ye are those who are also working as ye are on yet other
laws. The difference that exists between the cycles is only in ability to work with the Law.
We, who have being in cycles beyond thee, are those who first came forth from the
Source and have in the passage through time-space gained ability to use Laws of the
Greater that are far beyond the conception of man. Nothing there is that is really below
thee but only a different operation of Law.
Look thee above or look thee below, the same shall ye find. For all is but part of the
Oneness that is at the Source of the Law. The consciousness below thee is part thine own
as we are a part of thine.
Ye, as a child had not the knowledge that came to ye when ye became a man. Com-
pare ye the cycles to man in his journey from birth unto death, and see in the cycle be-
low thee the child with the knowledge he has; and see ye yourself as the child grown
older, advancing in knowledge as time passes on. See ye, We, also, the child grown to
manhood with the knowledge and wisdom that came with the years. So also, O Thoth,
are the cycles of consciousness, children in different stages of growth, yet all from the
one Source, the Wisdom, and all to the Wisdom returning again.”
Ceased then He from speaking and sat in the silence that comes to the Lords. Then
again spake He unto me, saying: “O Thoth, long have We sat in Amenti, guarding the
flame of life in the Halls. Yet know, we are still part of our Cycles with our Vision reaching
unto them and beyond. Aye, know we that of all, nothing else matters excepting the
growth we can gain with our Soul. Know we the flesh is fleeting. The things men count
great are nothing to us. The things we seek are not of the body but are only the per-
fected state of the Soul. When ye as men can learn that nothing but progress of Soul can
count in the end, then truly ye are free from all bondage, free to work in a harmony of
Know, 0 man, ye should aim at perfection, for only thus can ye attain to the goal.
Though ye should know that nothing is perfect, yet it should be thy aim and thy goal.”
Ceased again the voice of the Nine, and into my consciousness the words had sunk. Now,
seek I ever more wisdom that I may be perfect in Law with the All.
Soon go I down to the Halls of Amenti to live ‘neath the cold flower of life. Ye whom I
have taught shall nevermore see me. Yet live I forever in the wisdom I taught.
All that man is is because of his wisdom. All that he shall be is the result of his
List ye, now to my voice and become greater than common man. Lift thine eyes up-
ward, let Light fill thy being, be thou ever Children of Light. Only by effort shall ye grow
upward to the plane where Light is the All of the All. Be ye the master of all that sur-
rounds thee. Never be mastered by the effects of thy life. Create then ever more perfect
causes and in time shalt thou be a Sun of the Light.
Free, let thine soul soar ever upward, free from the bondage and fetters of night. Lift
thine eyes to the Sun in the sky-space. For thee, let it be a symbol of life. Know that
thou art the Greater Light, perfect in thine own sphere, when thou art free. Look not ever
into the blackness. Lift up thine eyes to the space above. Free let thine Light flame up-
ward and shalt thou be a Child of the Light.
The Law of Cause and Effect & The Key of Prophecy
List ye, 0 man, to the words of my wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Conquered have I the Law of time-space. Knowledge have I gained of the future of time.
Know I that man in his movement through space-time shall ever be One with the All.
Know ye, O man, that all of the future is an open book to him who can read. All ef-
fect shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the first cause. Know ye the fu-
ture is not fixed or stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect. Look in the cause
thou shalt bring into being, and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.
So, 0 man, be sure the effects that ye bring forth are ever causes of more perfect
effects. Know ye the future is never in fixation but follows man’s free will as it moves
through the movements of time-space toward the goal where a new time begins. Man
can only read the future through the causes that bring the effects. Seek ye within the
causation and surely ye shall find the effects.
List ye, 0 man, while I speak of the future, speak of the effect that follows the cause.
Know ye that man in his journey light-ward is ever seeking escape from the night that
surrounds him, like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky and like the stars in
the sky-space, he, too, shall shine from the shadows of night.
Ever his destiny shall lead him onward until he is One with the Light. Aye, though his
way lies midst the shadows, ever before him glows the Great Light. Dark though the way
be yet shall he conquer the shadows that flow around him like night.
Far in the future, I see man as Light- born, free from the darkness that fetters the
Soul, living in Light without the bounds of the darkness to cover the Light that is Light of
their Soul. Know ye, 0 man, before ye attain this that many the dark shadows shall fall
on your Light striving to quench with the shadows of darkness the Light of the Soul that
strives to be free.
Great is the struggle between Light and darkness, age old and yet ever new. Yet,
know in a time, far in the future, Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.
List ye, O man, to my words of wisdom. Prepare and ye shall not bind your Light.
Man has risen and man has fallen as ever new waves of consciousness flow from the
great abyss below us toward the Sun of their goal.
Ye, my children, have risen from a state that was little above the beast, until now of
all men ye are greatest. Yet before thee were others greater than thee. Yet tell I thee as
before thee others have fallen, so also shall ye come to an end. And upon the land where
ye dwell now, barbarians shall dwell and in turn rise to Light. Forgotten shall be the an-
cient-wisdom, yet ever shall live though hidden from men.
Aye, in the land thou callest Khem, races shall rise and races shall fall. Forgotten
shalt thou be of the children of men. Yet thou shalt have moved to a star-space beyond
this leaving behind this place where thou has dwelt.
The Soul of man moves ever onward, bound not by any one star. But ever moving to
the great goal before him where he is dissolved in the Light of the All. Know ye that ye
shall ever go onward, moved by the Law of cause and effect until in the end both become
Aye, man, after ye have gone, others shall move in the places ye lived. Knowledge
and wisdom shall all be forgotten, and only a memory of Gods shall survive. As I to thee
am a God by my knowledge, so ye, too shall be Gods of the future because of your
knowledge far above theirs. Yet know ye that all through the ages, man shall have access
to Law when he will.
Ages to come shall see revival of wisdom to those who shall inherit thy place on this
star. They shall, in turn, come into wisdom and learn to banish the darkness by Light. Yet
greatly must they strive through the ages to bring unto themselves the freedom of Light.
Then shall there come unto man the great warfare that shall make the Earth tremble and
shake in its course. Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers open the warfare between Light
and the night.
When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds;
when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great
shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light. Nation shall
rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe
out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the
Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying: “0 men, cease
from thy striving against thy brother. Only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy
unbelief, 0 my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right.”
Then shall men cease from their striving, brother against brother and father against
son. Then shall the ancient home of my people rise from its place ‘neath the dark ocean
waves. Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded with all men seeking the Light of the goal.
Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people. Banished shall be the darkness of night.
Aye, the children of men shall progress onward and upward to the great goal. Chil-
dren of Light shall they become. Flame of the flame shall their Souls ever be. Knowledge
and wisdom shall be man’s in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame, the
Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning, that is yet One with the end of all things.
Aye, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All. Man, a perfect
flame of this Cosmos, shall move forward to a place in the stars. Aye, shall move even
from out of this space-time into another beyond the stars.
Long have ye listened to me, O my children, long have ye listened to the wisdom of
Thoth. Now I depart from ye into darkness. Now go I to the Halls of Amenti, there to
dwell in the future when Light shall come again to man. Yet, know ye, my Spirit shall
ever be with thee, guiding thy feet in the pathway of Light.
Guard ye the secrets I leave with thee, and surely my spirit will guard thee through
life. Keep thine eyes ever on the pathway to wisdom. Keep the Light as thy goal ever-
more. Fetter not thy Soul in bondage of darkness; free let it wing in its flight to the stars.
Now I depart thee to dwell in Amenti. Be thou my children in this life and the next.
The time will come when ye, too, shall be deathless, living from age to age a Light
among men.
Guard ye the entrance to the Halls of Amenti. Guard ye the secrets I have hidden
among ye. Let not the wisdom be cast to barbarians. Secret shall thou keep it for those
who seek Light. Now depart I. Receive thou my blessing. Take thou my way and follow
the Light.
Blend thou thy Soul in the Great Essence.
One, with the Great Light let thy
consciousness be.
Call thou on me when thou dost need me.
Use my name three times in a row:
Chequetet, Arelich, Volmalites.
Cypresses, by Vincent van Gogh
The Keys of Life and Death
List ye, 0 man, hear ye the wisdom. Hear ye the Word that shall fill thee with Life.
Hear ye the Word that shall banish the darkness. Hear ye the voice that shall banish the
Mystery and wisdom have I brought to my children; knowledge and power de-
scended from old. Know ye not that all shall be opened when ye shall find the oneness of
all? One shall ye be with the Masters of Mystery, Conquerors of Death and Masters of
Life. Aye, ye shall learn of the flower of Amenti the blossom of life that shines in the
Halls. In Spirit shall ye reach that Halls of Amenti and bring back the wisdom that liveth
in Light. Know ye the gateway to power is secret. Know ye the gateway to life is through
death. Aye, through death but not as ye know death, but a death that is life and is fire
and is Light.
Desireth thou to know the deep, hidden secret? Look in thy heart where the knowl-
edge is bound. Know that in thee the secret is hidden, the source of all life and the
source of all death.
List ye, O man, while I tell the secret, reveal unto thee the secret of old.
Deep in Earth’s heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form.
For know ye that the Earth is living in body as thou art alive in thine own formed form.
The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit and streams through the Earth as thine
flows through thy form; giving of life to the Earth and its children, renewing the Spirit
from form unto form. This is the Spirit that is form of thy body, shaping and moulding
into its form.
Know ye, 0 man, that thy form is dual, balanced in polarity while formed in its form.
Know that when fast on thee Death approaches, it is only because thy balance is shaken.
It is only because one pole has been lost.
Know that thy body when in perfect balance may never be touched by the finger of
Death. Aye, even accident may only approach when the balance is gone. When ye are in
a balanced equilibrium, ye shall live on in time and not taste of Death. Know that thou
art the balanced completion, existing because of thy balance of poles. As, in thee, one
pole is drawn downward, fast from thee goes the balance of life. Then unto thee cold
Death approaches, and change must come to thine unbalanced life.
Know that the secret of life in Amenti is the secret of restoring the balance of poles.
All that exists has form and is living because of the Spirit of life in its poles.
See ye not that in Earth’s heart is the balance of all things that exist and have being
on its face? The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth’s heart, for in thy form thou are
one with the Earth.
When thou hast learned to hold thine own balance, then shalt thou draw on the bal-
ance of Earth. Exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing, changing in form, only when
Earth, too, shalt change: Tasting not of death, but one with this planet, holding thy form
till all pass away.
List ye, O man, whilst I give the secret so that ye, too, shalt taste not of change.
One hour each day shalt thou lie with thine head pointed to the place of the positive pole
(north). One hour each day shalt thy head be pointed to the place of the negative pole
(south). Whilst thy head is placed to the northward, hold thou thy consciousness from
the chest to the head. And when thy head is placed southward, hold thou thy thought
from chest to the feet. Hold thou in balance once in each seven, and thy balance will re-
tain the whole of its strength. Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen and thy strength
will become as a youth’s. This is the secret known to the Masters by which they hold off
the fingers of Death. Neglect not to follow the path I have shown, for when thou hast
passed beyond years to a hundred to neglect it will mean the coming of Death.
Hear ye, my words, and follow the pathway. Keep thou thy balance and live on in
Hear ye, O man, and list to my voice. List to the wisdom that gives thee of Death.
When at the end of thy work appointed, thou may desire to pass from this life, pass to
the plane where the Suns of the Morning live and have being as Children of Light. Pass
without pain and pass without sorrow into the plane where is eternal Light.
First lie at rest with thine head to the eastward. Fold thou thy hands at the Source of
thy life (solar plexus). Place thou thy consciousness in the life seat. Whirl it and divide to
north and to south. Send thou the one out toward the northward. Send thou the other
out to the south. Relax thou thy hold upon thy being. Forth from they form will thy silver
spark fly, upward and onward to the Sun of the morning, blending with Light, at one with
its source. There it shall flame till desire shall be created. Then shall return to a place in a
form. Know ye, 0 men, that thus pass the great Souls, changing at will from life unto life.
Thus ever passes the Avatar, willing his Death as he wills his own life.
List ye, O man, drink of my wisdom. Learn ye the secret that is Master of Time.
Learn ye how those ye call Masters are able to remember the lives of the past. Great is
the secret yet easy to master, giving to thee the mastery of time. When upon thee death
fast approaches, fear not but know ye are master of Death. Relax thy body, resist not
with tension. Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul. Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of
the triangle. Hold for a moment, then move to the goal. This, thy goal, is the place be-
tween thine eyebrows, the place where the memory of life must hold sway. Hold thou thy
flame here in thy brain-seat until the fingers of Death grasp thy Soul. Then as thou pass
through the state of transition, surely the memories of life shall pass, too. Then shalt the
past be as one with the present. Then shall the memory of all be retained. Free shalt
thou be from all retrogression. The things of the past shall live in today.
Man, ye have heard the voice of my wisdom. Follow and ye shall live through the
ages as I .
Cloud, Sky and Mt. Shasta
List ye, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom, lost to the world since the time of the
Dwellers, lost and forgotten by men of this age.
Know ye this Earth is but a portal, guarded by powers unknown to man. Yet, the
Dark Lords hide the entrance that leads to the Heaven-born land. Know ye, the way to
the sphere of Arulu is guarded by barriers opened only to Light-born man.
Upon Earth, I am the holder of the keys to the gates of the Sacred Land. Command
I, by the powers beyond me, to leave the keys to the world of man. Before I depart, I
give ye the Secrets of how ye may rise from the bondage of darkness, cast off the fetters
of flesh that have bound ye, rise from the darkness into the Light. Know ye, the soul
must be cleansed of its darkness, ere ye may enter the portals of Light. Thus, I estab-
lished among ye the Mysteries so that the Secrets may always be found. Aye, though
man may fall into darkness, always the Light will shine as a guide. Hidden in darkness,
veiled in symbols, always the way to the portal will be found. Man in the future will deny
the mysteries but always the way the seeker will find.
Now I command ye to maintain my secrets, giving only to those ye have tested, so
that the pure may not be corrupted, so that the power of Truth may prevail. List ye
now to the unveiling of Mystery. List to the symbols of Mystery I give. Make of it a relig-
ion for only thus will its essence remain.
Regions there are two between this life and the Great One, traveled by the Souls
who depart from this Earth; Duat, the home of the powers of illusion; Sekhet Hetspet,
the House of the Gods. Osiris, the symbol of the guard of the portal, who turns back the
souls of unworthy men. Beyond lies the sphere of the heaven-born powers, Arulu, the
land where the Great Ones have passed. There, when my work among men has been
finished, will I join the Great Ones of my Ancient home.
Seven are the mansions of the house of the Mighty; Three guards the portal of each
house from the darkness; Fifteen the ways that lead to Duat. Twelve are the houses of
the Lords of I llusion, facing four ways, each of them different. Forty and Two are the
great powers, judging the Dead who seek for the portal. Four are the Sons of Horus, Two
are the Guards of East and West— I sis, the mother who pleads for her children, Queen of
the moon, reflecting the Sun. Ba is the essence, living forever. Ka is the Shadow that
man knows as life. Ba cometh not until Ka is incarnate. These are mysteries to preserve
through the ages. Keys are they of life and of Death. Hear ye now the mystery of mys-
teries: learn of the circle beginningless and endless, the form of He who is One and in all.
Listen and hear it, go forth and apply it, thus will ye travel the way that I go. Mystery in
Mystery, yet clear to the Light-born, the Secret of all I now will reveal. I will declare a
secret to the initiated, but let the door be wholly shut against the profane.
Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.
In the primeval, dwell three unities. Other than these, none can exist. These are the
equilibrium, source of creation:
one God, one Truth, one point of freedom.
Three come forth from the three of the balance:
all life, all good, all power.
Three are the qualities of God in his Light-home:
Infinite power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.
Three are the powers given to the Masters:
To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination.
Three are the things inevitable for God to perform:
Manifest power, wisdom and love.
Three are the powers creating all things:
Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge, Divine Wisdom knowing all possible
means, Divine Power possessed by the joint will of Divine Love and Wisdom.
Three are the circles (states) of existence:
The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God, and only God can traverse it; the
circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from death; the Circle of aware-
ness where all things spring from life.
All things animate are of three states of existence:
chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven.
Three necessities control all things:
beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven.
Three are the paths of the Soul:
Man, Liberty, Light.
Three are the hindrances:
lack of endeavor to obtain knowledge; non-attachment to god; attachment to evil.
In man, the three are manifest. Three are the Kings of power within. Three are
the chambers of the mysteries, found yet not found in the body of man.
Hear ye now of he who is liberated, freed from the bondage of life into Light. Know-
ing the source of all worlds shall be open. Aye, even the Gates of Arulu shall not be
barred. Yet heed, O man, who wouldst enter heaven. If ye be not worthy, better it be to
fall into the fire. Know ye the celestials pass through the pure flame. At every revolution
of the heavens, they bathe in the fountains of Light.
List ye, 0 man, to this mystery: Long in the past before ye were man- born, I dwelled
in Ancient Atlantis. There in the Temple, I drank of the Wisdom, poured as a fountain of
Light from the Dweller. Give the key to ascend to the Presence of Light in the Great
world. Stood I before the Holy One enthroned in the flower of fire. Veiled was he by the
lightnings of darkness, else my Soul by the Glory have been shattered.
Forth from the feet of his Throne like the diamond, rolled forth four rivers of flame
from his footstool, rolled through the channels of clouds to the Man-world. Filled was the
hall with Spirits of Heaven. Wonder of wonders was the Starry palace. Above the sky, like
a rainbow of Fire and Sunlight, were formed the spirits. Sang they the glories of the Holy
One. Then from the midst of the Fire came a voice: “Behold the Glory of the first Cause.”
I beheld that Light, high above all darkness, reflected in my own being. I attained, as it
were, to the God of all Gods, the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres.
Again came the Voice: “There is one, even the First, who hath no beginning, who
hath no end; who hath made all things, who govern all, who is good, who is just, who
illumines, who sustains.”
Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance, surrounding and lifting my soul
by its power. Swiftly I moved through the spaces of Heaven, shown was I the mystery of
mysteries, shown the Secret heart of the cosmos. Carried was I to the land of Arulu,
stood before the Lords in their Houses. Opened they the Doorway so I might glimpse the
primeval chaos. Shuddered my soul to the vision of horror, shrank back my soul from the
ocean of darkness. Then saw I the need for the barriers, saw the need for the Lords of
Arulu. Only they with their Infinite balance could stand in the way of the inpouring chaos.
Only they could guard God’s creation.
Then did I pass ’round the circle of eight. Saw all the souls who had conquered the
darkness. Saw the splendor of Light where they dwelled.
Longed I to take my place in their circle, but longed I also for the way I had chosen,
when I stood in the Halls of Amenti and made my choice to the work I would do.
Passed I from the Halls of Arulu down to the earth space where my body lay. Arose I
from the earth where I rested. Stood I before the Dweller. Gave my pledge to renounce
my Great right until my work on Earth was completed, until the Age of darkness be past.
List ye, 0 man, to the words I shall give ye. In them shall ye find the Essence of Life.
Before I return to the Halls of Amenti, taught shall ye be the Secrets of Secrets, how ye,
too, may arise to the Light. Preserve them and guard them, hide them in symbols, so the
profane will laugh and renounce. In every land, form ye the mysteries. Make the way
hard for the seeker to tread. Thus will the weak and the wavering be rejected. Thus will
the secrets be hidden and guarded, held till the time when the wheel shall be turned.
Through the dark ages, waiting and watching, my Spirit shall remain in the deep
hidden land. When one has passed all the trials of the outer, summon ye me by the Key
that ye hold. Then will I, the Initiator, answer, come from the Halls of the Gods in
Amenti. Then will I receive the initiate, give him the words of power.
Hark ye, remember, these words of warning: bring not to me one lacking in wisdom,
impure in heart or weak in his purpose. Else I will withdraw from ye your power to sum-
mon me from the place of my sleeping.
Go forth and conquer the element of darkness. Exalt in thy nature thine essence of
Now go ye forth and summon thy brothers so that I may impart the wisdom to light
thy path when my presence is gone. Come to the chamber beneath my temple. Eat not
food until three days are past. There will I give thee the essence of wisdom so that with
power ye may shine amongst men. There will I give unto thee the secrets so that ye, to ,
may rise to the Heavens— God- men in Truth as in essence ye be. Depart now and leave
me while I summon those ye know of but as yet know not.
Cup of the Holy Grail, by Dan Winter
Secret of Secrets
Now ye assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall give
ye power to unfold the God-man, give ye the way to Eternal life. Plainly shall I speak of
the Unveiled Mysteries. No dark sayings shall I give unto thee. Open thine ears now, my
children. Hear and obey the words that I give.
First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of
the Earth.
Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose
from the source of all. Darkness is disorder. Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is light
of the Light. This, my children, your purpose in being; transmutation of darkness to light
Hear ye now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the Earth where it
dwells. Know ye, ye are threefold in nature, physical, astral and mental in one. Three are
the qualities of each of the natures; nine in all, as above, so below.
In the physical are these channels, the blood which moves in vortical motion, react-
ing on the heart to continue its beating. Magnetism which moves through the nerve
paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. Akasa which flows through channels,
subtle yet physical, completing the channels. Each of the three attuned with each other,
each affecting the life of the body. Form they the skeletal framework through which the
subtle ether flows. In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body. Relinquished only
by will of the adept, when his purpose in living is done.
Three are the natures of the Astral, mediator is between above and below; not of the
physical, not of the Spiritual, but able to move above and below.
Three are the natures of Mind, carrier it of the Will of the Great One. Arbitrator of
Cause and Effect in thy life. Thus is formed the threefold being, directed from above by
the power of four. Above and beyond man’s threefold nature lies the realm of the Spiri-
tual Self. Four is it in qualities, shining in each of the planes of existence, but thirteen in
one, the mystical number. Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers: each shall
direct the unfoldment of being, each shall channels be of the Great One.
On Earth, man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the earth plane. Encircling
each planet, a wave of vibration, binds him to his plane of unfoldment. Yet within man is
the Key to releasement, within man may freedom be found.
When ye have released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your
earth-plane. Speak ye the word Dor-E-Lil-La. Then for a time your Light will be lifted,
free may ye pass the barriers of space. For a time of half of the sun (six hours), free may
ye pass the barriers of earth- plane, see and know those who are beyond thee. Yea, to
the highest worlds may ye pass. See your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all
earthly futures of Soul.
Bound are ye in your body, but by the power ye may be free. This is the Secret
whereby bondage shall be replaced by freedom for thee.
Calm let thy mind be. At rest be thy body: Conscious only of freedom from flesh.
Center thy being on the goal of thy longing. Think over and over that thou wouldst be
free. Think of this word— La-Um-I-L-Gan— over and over in thy mind let it sound. Drift
with the sound to the place of thy longing. Free from the bondage of flesh by thy will.
Hear ye while I give the greatest of secrets: how ye may enter the Halls of Amenti,
enter the place of the immortals as I did, stand before the Lords in their places.
Lie ye down in rest of thy body. Calm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee. Pure
must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee. Vision Amenti
as I have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the
Lords in thy mind’s eye. Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally); Mekut-EI-Shab-
El Hale-Sur-Ben-EI-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar-EI. Relax thy mind and thy body. Then be sure
your soul will be called.
Now give I the Key to Shamballa, the place where my Brothers live in the darkness:
Darkness but filled with Light of the Sun— Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit,
guides for ye when my day is done.
Leave thou thy body as I have taught thee. Pass to the barriers of the deep, hidden
place. Stand before the gates and their guardians. Command thy entrance by these
words: “I am the Light. In me is no darkness. Free am I of the bondage of night. Open
thou the way of the Twelve and the One, so I may pass to the realm of wisdom.” When
they refuse thee, as surely they will, command them to open by these words of power: “I
am the Light. For me are no barriers. Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets—
Edom-EI-Ahim-Sabbert-Zur Adorn.” Then if thy words have been “Truth” of the highest,
open for thee the barriers will fall.
Now, I leave thee, my children. Down, yet up, to the Halls shall I go. Win ye the way
to me, my children. Truly my brothers shall ye become.
Thus finish I my writings. Keys let them be to those who come after. But only to
those who seek my wisdom, for only for these am I the Key and the Way.