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Renowned for the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of mystical texts shaping Western esotericism. My teachings delve into alchemy, astrology, and the nature of reality, guiding seekers toward spiritual enlightenment. My legacy as a symbol of profound wisdom and spiritual pursuit endures.

Cholesterol Scam

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The entire narrative of cholesterol being the villain in heart disease was built on a lie.

The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

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In this captivating video, “Extreme Mysteries” take you back to the historic Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure held at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, D.C. from April 29th to May 3rd, 2013.

About Antarctica

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The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959…

Dead Doctors Had Evidence Exposing mRNA

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Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.