Renowned for the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of mystical texts shaping Western esotericism. My teachings delve into alchemy, astrology, and the nature of reality, guiding seekers toward spiritual enlightenment. My legacy as a symbol of profound wisdom and spiritual pursuit endures.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide: it eliminates toxins, viruses, germs and it also kills cancer and tumor tissue.
Elon Musk Exposed
A reminder about who Elon Musk is… The fake genius to help lead humanity into the abyss.
Rare William Cooper Lost Interview
Rare William Cooper interview in 1999 by Anna Zetchus Smith for her documentary ‘The Land of the Lost Story’.
Human Experiments With Mind Control
Project MKUltra was a human experimentation program designed to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations.
Yale Research Reveals Devastating News for the COVID Vaccinated
New evidence suggests genetic material in the COVID shots may integrate with human DNA.
Can Fenbendazole Cure Cancer?
Recently, fenbendazole has generated significant buzz, with some hailing it as a potential breakthrough in cancer treatment.
Bombshell Interview with Dr. William Makis
Bombshell interview with Dr. William Makis on using Ivermectin and Fenbendazole protocols to eliminate cancer.
Biosensor Formed in Vaccine-Injected Human?
Clinical Research Scientist Maria Crisler discusses world-first findings which could indicate the world’s first formed biosensor inside a Pfi### injected individual.
We Mastered Gravity Control In 1954
Dr. Steven Greer says that ‘Gravity Control’ was mastered in October, 1954.
Radiofrequency Attacks
Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!
The Truth About Parasites
These organisms manipulate cellular processes to ensure their survival and replication.