Renowned for the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of mystical texts shaping Western esotericism. My teachings delve into alchemy, astrology, and the nature of reality, guiding seekers toward spiritual enlightenment. My legacy as a symbol of profound wisdom and spiritual pursuit endures.
Dr. David Martin Drops the Truth About the Covid Shots
It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines after all.
There was no Pandemic
“There was no particularly virulent pathogen whatsoever—there’s no evidence for it.” – Denis Rancourt
Government Documents Says the Earth is Flat
Declassified government documents state that the earth is flat & non-rotating.
MEP Christine Anderson knows the data behind this number
“The mRNA [COVID] injections, they may have very well ki*lled 17 million people around the world.”
Did Humans And Aliens Coexist On Earth In Ancient Times?
How did ancient civilizations acquire the knowledge to create electrical batteries that were thousands of years ahead of their time, or to write fifteen-digit numbers that even today’s computers struggle to process?
Christine Anderson on EU Technocrats
People are waking up to the fact that unelected EU technocrats are deliberately robbing native Europeans of their national and cultural identities.