Renowned for the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of mystical texts shaping Western esotericism. My teachings delve into alchemy, astrology, and the nature of reality, guiding seekers toward spiritual enlightenment. My legacy as a symbol of profound wisdom and spiritual pursuit endures.
Over 4 Billion People have been Injected with Nano-Bots
Alex Jones describes how the vaccinated and even the unvaccinated may be infested with nano-bots.
Christopher Dunn – Joe Rogan Experience
Christopher Dunn is the author of several books, including “Giza: The Tesla Connection,” “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt,” and “The Giza Power Plant.”
Dr. Bill Deagle on Chemtrails
Former military doctor states chemtrails contain barium salts, human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols.
Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D., mRNA Vaccine Testimony
The mRNA vaccine is contaminated with the plasmid DNA vector that was used as the template for in vitro transcription reaction.
Another Boeing Whistleblower Dies Suddenly
Another Boeing whistleblower dies shortly after the first?
Bill Gates mRNA Confession
Bill Gates Confesses to Illegally Testing Nanobots on Humanity via mRNA Injections.
The Lost History of Earth
With zero attempt from Mainstream Humanity to explain giant pieces of missing History of Earth—this documentary uses logic to tie it together.
Ex Agency Officer Robert Steel Exposing Adrenochrome
Robert David Steele mysteriously died from Covid in 2021…
The Minds of Men (2018)
The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of Social Engineering and Mind Control during the Cold War. It is a mind-bending journey into the past, that gives startling insight into the world we live in today.