9/11 A Plane Story Uncensored
This is footage put together to help people understand that you cannot always believe your eyes, you cannot always believe what you are told.
This is footage put together to help people understand that you cannot always believe your eyes, you cannot always believe what you are told.
Explore the untold stories of innovators whose groundbreaking ideas were stifled, shrouded in mystery, and left on the fringes of history. Discover the revolutionary Ogle Carburetor and its inventor Tom Ogle, who challenged fuel efficiency norms. Unravel the mysteries surrounding… Read More »Suppressed Technologies, Their Inventors Elminated
A ranch in Utah has, ever since it was first reported on in 1996, been regarded as one of the most significant hotspots of paranormal activity in the entire world. UFO reports in the Uintah Basin were publicized in the… Read More »Skinwalker Ranch – The Full Story
The concept of an advanced pre-Egyptian civilization, existing before the well-documented dynastic periods of ancient Egypt, is supported by the advanced technological features of sites like the Osireion, Zawyet el Aryan, the Serapeum of Saqqara, and many others. this lost… Read More »Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared
History documentary from a different perspective: “Europa: The Last Battle” – is a multiple episode historical documentary which begins by showing the unseen side of World War I and World War II, going through modern history until it reaches the… Read More »Europa: The Last Battle