Pre-Flood Ruins of Advanced Civilization: Naupa Huaca
Hidden in a remote cave in Peru’s Sacred Valley, Naupa Huaca is a mysterious prehistoric site, believed to be from a civilization far older and more advanced than the Incas.
Journey to the Center of the Flat Earth
Journey to the Center of the Flat Earth. Discover what’s being hidden in the North Pole.
They Live – Based on a True Story
The true story behind the classic 1988 movie: “John Carpenter’s They Live”.
1893 Chicago World’s Fair
The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair: Are these temporary buildings made from plaster? Look at the scale of it! They are hiding our real history.
Pre-Historic Technology in Egypt Left by Unknown Civilization
The idea of a pre-Egyptian advanced civilization is supported by the technological features of sites like the Osireion and Giza pyramids, suggesting advanced knowledge of astronomy, engineering, and mathematics.
Pre-Historic Megastructures of Russia In The Remote Wilderness
Russia’s wilderness holds secrets that have eluded discovery for millennia.
The Tartarian Empire (Part 2)
Could Egypt have started their civilization in… America? Did the US really win the revolutionary war? Who built the pyramids? Was it Giants? Did Giant trees exist once in our realm?
The Real Eyes Wide Shut – Did Hollywood Kill Stanley Kubrick?
The studio cut 24 minutes from the film, and just few days later, the legendary filmmaker was dead.