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A.I. Coup: The NWO Straightjacket of Control

Alex Jones covers the latest news of an EV car owner showing that the government has installed software updates that can use any crisis to kill switch engage his car or put up a geofence to control the car’s movement.

Out of Shadows

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An exposé on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

The Lost History of Earth

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With zero attempt from Mainstream Humanity to explain giant pieces of missing History of Earth—this documentary uses logic to tie it together.

The Minds of Men (2018)

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The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of Social Engineering and Mind Control during the Cold War. It is a mind-bending journey into the past, that gives startling insight into the world we live in today.

Five G (2019)

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5G technology offers faster data speeds and increased capacity compared to previous generations. Concerns about its potential health impacts, particularly regarding radiation and cancer, have been raised.

Time of Deceit

“Time of Deceit” dials into the lesser known history of the mainstream media and its unholy marriage with the U.S. Security State and Intelligence Community.

Overcast (2015)

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“Overcast” is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most of us would consider normal: Jet contrails that spread into clouds…