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More Unusual Clots

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Here’s a few pictures of the unusual clots taken this month of November 2024. Richard Hirschman began seeing these strange clots in early 2021.

Secrets Of Disney World Revealed

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Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason. Disney also has ties to the CIA, is steeped in the occult, satanic witchcraft, and is built on the 33 parallel.

Welcome to the New World Order

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Welcome to the New World Order where you won’t need to own things and don’t complain about the Bill Gates’ Death Panels because that will lower your Social Credit Score.

The WEF Connection

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Klaus Schwab was recruited by Henry Kissinger, who in turn was recruited by none other than the forefather of globalism himself, David Rockefeller.

DNA Fragments in mRNA Vaccines

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It is possible that Spike protein code is transmissible via CMV plasmids that have picked it up in a vaccinated person.

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt

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Dr Klinghardt explains how corporations are trying to destroy the human ‘soul’ in four different ways.

Nanowires and Nano Sheets

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Dr. Robert Young outlines what he has been seeing from jabbed autopsies – and what is happening to jabbed pilots.