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Klaus Schwab Resigns

Harrison Smith joins Maria Zeee to discuss what Klaus Schwab’s resignation really means.

Best of Terrence Howard – JRE

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Have you ever encountered something truly astounding, but you can’t fully grasp its meaning or the technical terms involved, yet you instinctively feel its importance?

Full Blown Tyranny: Digital ID

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Australia has just passed a Digital ID bill. Maria Zeee tells us what this actually means for every country that will implements this tyrannical legislation

Writing on the Wall

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This documentary will take you through a 4-step process to total digital enslavement.

A.I. Coup: The NWO Straightjacket of Control

Alex Jones covers the latest news of an EV car owner showing that the government has installed software updates that can use any crisis to kill switch engage his car or put up a geofence to control the car’s movement.

Book of Alien Races

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Dante Santori, a former special forces sergeant from Europe, translated a secret book about aliens from Russian to English, capturing the minds of many believers in extra-terrestrial life.