Dr. David Martin Drops the Truth About the Covid Shots
It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines after all.
It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines after all.
“There was no particularly virulent pathogen whatsoever—there’s no evidence for it.” – Denis Rancourt
“The mRNA [COVID] injections, they may have very well ki*lled 17 million people around the world.”
Lara Logan joins Alex Jones live in-studio to detail her awakening from mainstream media reporter to truth seeking journalist.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program during the Cold War that covertly recruited journalists to influence media and public opinion.
Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones live to deliver a bird flu global pandemic update.
Documentary: Illuminati, Satanism & Abuse within The Elite.
Kayla was left an incomplete quadriplegic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and she is now making it her life’s mission to expose what happened to her and inform others.
May this be shown to whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear.