Admiral Byrd’s Antarctica Claim
Admiral Richard E. Byrd led several expeditions to the continent, the most famous being Operation Highjump in 1946-47 and Operation Deep Freeze in the 1950s
Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Globalist Plan to End Humanity
Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent figure in the field of vaccinology, is recognized for his contributions to mRNA vaccine technology.
Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers, the legendary comedian known for her razor-sharp wit and fearless humor, shouldn’t have left us in 2014 for what she told us.
Shaun Barcavage Covid Vaccine Testimony
Years after getting his covid vaccine, Shaun Barcavage, a 54-year-old nurse practitioner in New York, is still suffering severe side effects.
Don Phillips on UFO Retrieval and Reverse-Engineering
Lockheed Martin, CIA Skunkworks Contractor acknowledging the existence of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering programs.
Dr. Dolores Cahill’s Warning on Covid mRNA Vaccinations
Dr. Dolores Cahill has stirred concern with a stark caution to the public…
WTC Building 7
The best starting point to understanding 9/11 is the mini-documentary, “Solving the Mystery of Building 7”.
Dr. Christiane Northrup on Luciferase
According to Dr. Christiane Northrup, the airport knows if you’ve had the vaccine or not due to not picking up a trace of said Luciferase.