63 GoF Biological Weapons Currently In Production
There Are 63 Gain-Of-Function Biological Weapons currently In production In US universities right now.
There Are 63 Gain-Of-Function Biological Weapons currently In production In US universities right now.
Phones are secretly flashing the mark of the beast on people’s foreheads with invisible IR light… LED lights and phones being used for mind control.
Trace Amounts is an investigative documentary exploring the link between the mercury based preservative thimerosal and the autism epidemic.
Welcome to the New World Order where you won’t need to own things and don’t complain about the Bill Gates’ Death Panels because that will lower your Social Credit Score.
A peer reviewed study published last Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the Covid gene therapy technology.
Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates.
Dr. Casey Means is the Co-Founder of Levels Health, which provides insights into metabolic health through real-time data. Calley Means is the Co-Founder of Truemed, which enables HSA spending on healthy food, supplements and exercise.
The Spider Goat Project involves genetically modifying goats to produce spider silk proteins in their milk.
Self-Assembling Nano Structures Found In Incubated Specimens From Pfi### and Mode### mRNA Jabs Have Been Shown In a Peer-Reviewed Study.
Top Scientists Confirm Covid Vaccines Are Binary Bioweapons Designed To Turn Off The Immune System So That Weak Viruses Can Kill You Easily.
Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt presents an unsettling slide show revealing that in vaccinated males, the spike protein from the COVID vaccine has entirely replaced their sperm
Dr. Carrie Madej joined Stew Peters and appeared obviously shook by what she had seen after examining “vaccines” vials.