Radiofrequency Attacks
Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!
COVID‑19 Disinformation and Misinformation
Disinformation and misinformation… came mainly from the EU Commission and national governments.
Agriculture, Pollination, Chemicals and Chemtrails
United Nations assembly meeting in 2006, on the subject of chemtrails and what they’re doing.
Ivermectin Can’t Be Stopped
The first peer-reviewed protocol using Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for cancer treatment has been published.
Aluminum In Vaccines
Aluminum is now known to be neurotoxic and the root cause of many serious illnesses.
Optogenetics and the Secret Worldwide Nanotech Experiment
A peer reviewed study published last Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the Covid gene therapy technology.
How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium
We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades.
Aluminium In Chemtrails
The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzheimer’s and Autism.
Geoengineering Interview with Kristen Meghan
Kristen Meghan worked for the US-Army as an environmental specialist and became a witness to geoengineering.
Dr. Bill Deagle on Chemtrails
Former military doctor states chemtrails contain barium salts, human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols.