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The Puppet Masters

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The divide and conquer principle has been successfully implemented on our planet and is being used very effectively to keeps us under control and in a perpetual state of conflict.

The Entire Financial System Is A Scam

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Ken O’Keefe is a multifaceted activist, former U.S. Marine, and advocate for peace and justice, known for his outspoken views on geopolitics and human rights.

Zeitgeist 2025

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Masonic Rituals, Satanism, US Capital Prophecy.

Candace And The Macrons

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This week, Candace Owens received a legal letter from the Macrons. Here, she breaks down what this means.

Zeitgeist (2007)

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A Sociological Documentary, Revealing Occultism, Shaping Today’s Deceived, Manipulated & Terrorized Societies.

About Syria

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What happened when Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Vladimir Putin, and Bashar al-Assad ALL rejected the Rothschild banksters, jewish supremacy and Israel?

The Meaning Behind The Name Rothschild

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The Rothschild name and symbols have many meanings. When you break them down and uncover the truth, you will find nothing more than that Great Old Serpent.