Cymatics Healing
Energy-based healing methods, including frequency, light, and sound, are poised to transform healthcare, potentially reducing reliance on conventional Western medicine.
Energy-based healing methods, including frequency, light, and sound, are poised to transform healthcare, potentially reducing reliance on conventional Western medicine.
Genita M. Mason is a nutritional biochemist and licensed practitioner, specializing in Orthomolecular Neurochemical Rehabilitation.
The death care industry is the 3rd leading killer in the western world according to official government statistics.
Within the not-too-distant future, it will be possible to actually use this technology to make changes in humans.
Which cancers were most sensitive to Ivermectin? Which were least sensitive?
Recent studies have shown a concerning link between certain feminine products and ovarian cancer risk.
Dr Robert Young speaking with Maria Zeee on Graphene Oxide and the Human body. [Via HATSTRUTH]