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Methylene Blue and Lung Cancer

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Based on 2018’s Sanchala et al evidence, methylene blue as an Hsp70 inhibitor is a potent and promising anticancer agent.

White Clots Continue

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Major Tom Haviland joins Maria Zeee to discuss new survey results with embalmers confirming the strange white clots are persisting as at the end of 2024.

The Truth About Cholesterol

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Normal Total Cholesterol level used to be 300. Then Normal changed to 240…then 190. Now they want it closer to 150…


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Dr. Sabine Hazan has uncovered a fascinating link between gut bacteria and Covid-19 severity.

Fenbendazole For Cancer

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Enhancing the Bioavailability of Fenbendazole with Oleic Acid. Oleic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and oils.

Coming Staged Plandemic

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Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of virology and PCR “positives”

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Hydrogen peroxide: it eliminates toxins, viruses, germs and it also kills cancer and tumor tissue.