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About Cholesterol

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You’re not gonna get over cancer unless you get cholesterol levels above 200…

1867 Medical Book

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1867 Medical book reveals truth about doctors, health, drugs, and what our world was really like in the mid 19th century and it isn’t what we have been told!

Global Elite Blood Harvesting

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Jim Caviezel calls out the mainstream media for attempting to cover up the truth about adrenochrome and organ harvesting.

The Universal Antidote (2021)

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The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since then, thousands have recovered from illness using this substance.

Best of Terrence Howard – JRE

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Have you ever encountered something truly astounding, but you can’t fully grasp its meaning or the technical terms involved, yet you instinctively feel its importance?