Biblical Flat Earth
Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.
Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.
Three things cannot be hidden for long: the Sun, the Moon and the Truth.
Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason. Disney also has ties to the CIA, is steeped in the occult, satanic witchcraft, and is built on the 33 parallel.
David Weiss is a former business owner who has left everything to prove one thing, the Earth is flat.
TruthCenter has released this excellent concise but comprehensive Flat Earth F.A.Q. which makes for a perfect introduction video.
From the Holy Roman Empire, to modern times, while explaining the Jesuit connection with Pythagoras, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein..
Journey to the Center of the Flat Earth. Discover what’s being hidden in the North Pole.
They are trying to hide God with scientism. Flat Earth Dave explained how his search for truth eventually led him to know we are intelligently designed by a creator.