John McAfee
John McAfee, in what ended up being one of his last messages: “Some of you may be living an existence of dissatisfaction… of emptiness… of longing.”
John McAfee, in what ended up being one of his last messages: “Some of you may be living an existence of dissatisfaction… of emptiness… of longing.”
Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.
In March 2024, it was announced that Nikon was discontinuing production of the P1000.
Three things cannot be hidden for long: the Sun, the Moon and the Truth.
This documentary examines sound, the civilization of harmony, Tartaria. A lost civilization with the secret knowledge of sound.
Jimmy Corsetti and Dan Richards are independent researchers whose YouTube channels, “Bright Insight” and “DeDunking the Past,” respectively, examine lost civilizations and alternative history.
David Weiss is a former business owner who has left everything to prove one thing, the Earth is flat.
“Mind Unveiled” explores possible reasons for the fall of the Tartarian Empire and possibly it’s origins.
Jordan Maxwell was a prominent researcher and speaker known for his work in the fields of esoteric knowledge, symbolism, and secret societies.
As every communist tyrant of the last 100 years has understood, if you control the food, you control the people…
TruthCenter has released this excellent concise but comprehensive Flat Earth F.A.Q. which makes for a perfect introduction video.
United Nations assembly meeting in 2006, on the subject of chemtrails and what they’re doing.