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Pre-Historic Megalithic Jars

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Bada Valley is home to a mysterious collection of cylindrical stone jars and numerous humanoid-looking statues whose origin and purpose cannot be explained.

Substituting Humans For Machines

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BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, speaking at the WEF: “Substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.”

Best of Terrence Howard – JRE

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Have you ever encountered something truly astounding, but you can’t fully grasp its meaning or the technical terms involved, yet you instinctively feel its importance?

Christopher Dunn – Joe Rogan Experience

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Christopher Dunn is the author of several books, including “Giza: The Tesla Connection,” “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt,” and “The Giza Power Plant.”

The Minds of Men (2018)

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The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of Social Engineering and Mind Control during the Cold War. It is a mind-bending journey into the past, that gives startling insight into the world we live in today.