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Biblical Flat Earth

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Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.

Symbols of Power

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These symbols connect to an intricate web of signs that stretches from ancient Egypt through medieval secret societies to today’s corridors of power.

Ex-MIB Joseph Spencer

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Men in Black, Agenda 2030, Viruse, Population Reduction, Fluoride, Chemtrails, DUMBS,Project Blue Bea.m..

Modern Day Exposure Of Freemasonry

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Freemasons are reported to be the head proxy organization of the antichrist spirit operating the ‘deep state’ running the shadow governments around the world

Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth

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From the Holy Roman Empire, to modern times, while explaining the Jesuit connection with Pythagoras, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein..

America’s Assignment With Destiny

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The 24th part of Bill Cooper’s most prized work, “Mystery Babylon”, during which he reads from “America’s Assignment with Destiny” by Manly P. Hall.

The Knights of Zion (2019)

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Centuries after their inception, the Freemasons’ secret rites and rituals remain as mysterious as ever.