More Unusual Clots
Here’s a few pictures of the unusual clots taken this month of November 2024. Richard Hirschman began seeing these strange clots in early 2021.
They Knew That They Were Destroying Women’s Menstrual Cycles
Dr. Naomi Wolf, describes how being deplatformed for questioning the dangerous reactions from women after the mRNA vaccines, inspired her to dive into the Pfi### trial documents
US Congress Holds ‘Exposing The Truth’ UFO Hearing
US House Oversight and Accountability subcommittees are holding a hearing on UFOs titled, “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.”
Welcome to the New World Order
Welcome to the New World Order where you won’t need to own things and don’t complain about the Bill Gates’ Death Panels because that will lower your Social Credit Score.
UFO hearing: US Congress Holds Hearing
U.S. House Oversight Committee holds a hearing on reports of “unidentified anomalous phenomena”.
DNA Fragments in mRNA Vaccines
It is possible that Spike protein code is transmissible via CMV plasmids that have picked it up in a vaccinated person.
COVID‑19 Disinformation and Misinformation
Disinformation and misinformation… came mainly from the EU Commission and national governments.
Ivermectin Can’t Be Stopped
The first peer-reviewed protocol using Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for cancer treatment has been published.
Aluminum In Vaccines
Aluminum is now known to be neurotoxic and the root cause of many serious illnesses.
Nanowires and Nano Sheets
Dr. Robert Young outlines what he has been seeing from jabbed autopsies – and what is happening to jabbed pilots.