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Jean-Michel Trogneux

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Candace Owen’s interview with Xavier Poussard. The Brigitte Macron story is a shocking state secret which implies state-sanctioned p3d0philia.

Cholesterol Scam

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The entire narrative of cholesterol being the villain in heart disease was built on a lie.

About Antarctica

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The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959…

American Moon

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Massimo Mazzucco exposes the Apollo Moon Landing as a Hollywood stunt. This is by far the most complete and professional analysis that digs down deep to debunk the debunkers.

1867 Medical Book

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1867 Medical book reveals truth about doctors, health, drugs, and what our world was really like in the mid 19th century and it isn’t what we have been told!

Dr. David Martin Interview

Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.