Whistleblower Exposes The Secrets of COVID-19, Bird Flu
Dr. Judy Mikovitz joins Alex Jones live in-studio to describe how the next plandemic will unfold.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz joins Alex Jones live in-studio to describe how the next plandemic will unfold.
If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie to cover it up.
The ### invented mRNA technology in conjunction with other organizations, according to the bombshell testimony of an agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.
Our history has been fabricated. The official timeline of our recent past, does not match our reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program during the Cold War that covertly recruited journalists to influence media and public opinion.
The Club of Rome is a Masonic lodge founded in 1968 on David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy.
Delve into the influence of a select few on mainstream media narratives. Explore how conglomerates and wealthy individuals shape public discourse.
[Full video] In a powerful address to the European Union Parliament, Dr. David E. Martin raised a prophetic alarm about the consequences of weaponizing nature. Dr. Martin emphasizes the significance of this conversation in understanding the truth.