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The Future Of Medicine

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Medicine will soon all be algorithmic, where you have a digital ID. The AI system will come back with your personalized treatment based on what you’re worth to the system.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients

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Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Zeitgeist 2025

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Masonic Rituals, Satanism, US Capital Prophecy.

Candace And The Macrons

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This week, Candace Owens received a legal letter from the Macrons. Here, she breaks down what this means.

Final Experiment Fakery

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The so-called Final Experiment’s 24-hour Antarctic Sun was just another faked event recorded on a film set.

Biblical Flat Earth

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Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.

Symbols of Power

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These symbols connect to an intricate web of signs that stretches from ancient Egypt through medieval secret societies to today’s corridors of power.