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MAHA Infiltration, mRNA & AI Medicine

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Dr. Mary Talley Bowden joins Maria Zeee to discuss concerns around MAHA infiltration, moving the goal posts from the desperate need to end use of mRNA to lesser goals like food dye.

The Truth About Cholesterol

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Normal Total Cholesterol level used to be 300. Then Normal changed to 240…then 190. Now they want it closer to 150…

Fenbendazole For Cancer

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Enhancing the Bioavailability of Fenbendazole with Oleic Acid. Oleic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and oils.

Coming Staged Plandemic

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Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of virology and PCR “positives”

Biosensor Formed in Vaccine-Injected Human?

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Clinical Research Scientist Maria Crisler discusses world-first findings which could indicate the world’s first formed biosensor inside a Pfi### injected individual.

Jab White Clot Mystery Solved?

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Maria Zeee and medical experts believe they may have solved the mystery of the strange white clot phenomena.

Dr. David Martin

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B. Gates is no philanthropist; he’s laundering money into the World Health 0rganization.

Epidemic of Fraud (2024)

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Director John Davidson reviews the science and motives behind the attacks on an ancient class of medicines whose use has decided the fates of nations.