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Elon Musk Exposed

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A reminder about who Elon Musk is… The fake genius to help lead humanity into the abyss.

John McAfee

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John McAfee, in what ended up being one of his last messages: “Some of you may be living an existence of dissatisfaction… of emptiness… of longing.”

Jab White Clot Mystery Solved?

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Maria Zeee and medical experts believe they may have solved the mystery of the strange white clot phenomena.

Biblical Flat Earth

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Flat Earth is the truth and any man of the Bible or man that uses the scientific method should know it.

Jordan Maxwell Truth Bombs

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Jordan Maxwell was a prominent researcher and speaker known for his work in the fields of esoteric knowledge, symbolism, and secret societies.

Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines

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Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates.