Bioweapon Fog Confirmed
Researcher Lisa McGee discusses confirmed discovery of the same bacteria that was used in a 1950’s Bioweapon attack in the U.S. now being found in Florida “fog” phenomenon.
California Fires
A Forensic Arborist has Determined that Nearly All Wildfires in California since the Paradise Fires have been Caused by Direct Energy Weapons.
Covert Weapons
Havana Syndrome is a mysterious condition causing dizziness, headaches, and cognitive issues.
Parasite Fog
“Parasite Fog” with James Grundvig, Dr Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup | Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 223.
CIA Officer blows the whistle on DEWs
Former CIA Officer blows the whistle on Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) being used unknowingly on Hundreds of Government Personnel.
Radiofrequency Attacks
Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!
Project Artichoke
Could drugs and psychological torture turn an average person into an unwilling assassin?
Weapon Systems of the Great Reset
Direct Energy Weapons are being used more and more frequently, as the globalists continue their onslaught upon humanity.
DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) In Action
Directed-energy weapons (DEWs) employ concentrated energy such as lasers, microwaves, or particle beams to disable or destroy targets with high precision, minimizing collateral damage.