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Bioweapon Fog Confirmed

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Researcher Lisa McGee discusses confirmed discovery of the same bacteria that was used in a 1950’s Bioweapon attack in the U.S. now being found in Florida “fog” phenomenon.

California Fires

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A Forensic Arborist has Determined that Nearly All Wildfires in California since the Paradise Fires have been Caused by Direct Energy Weapons.

Covert Weapons

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Havana Syndrome is a mysterious condition causing dizziness, headaches, and cognitive issues.

Parasite Fog

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“Parasite Fog” with James Grundvig, Dr Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup | Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 223.

Radiofrequency Attacks

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Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!

Project Artichoke

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Could drugs and psychological torture turn an average person into an unwilling assassin?

DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) In Action

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Directed-energy weapons (DEWs) employ concentrated energy such as lasers, microwaves, or particle beams to disable or destroy targets with high precision, minimizing collateral damage.