Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs…
Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David.
Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program during the Cold War that covertly recruited journalists to influence media and public opinion.
Unsafe and Ineffective is the true story of the biggest lie ever sold to the American people.
Alex Jones interviews Zowe, a hospital whistleblower, about the deadly Covid shots.
Former military doctor states chemtrails contain barium salts, human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols.
Another Boeing whistleblower dies shortly after the first?
Robert David Steele mysteriously died from Covid in 2021…
Admiral Richard E. Byrd led several expeditions to the continent, the most famous being Operation Highjump in 1946-47 and Operation Deep Freeze in the 1950s
The Philadelphia Experiment reportedly aimed to develop technology to render ships invisible to enemy radar by using electromagnetic fields.