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Renowned for the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of mystical texts shaping Western esotericism. My teachings delve into alchemy, astrology, and the nature of reality, guiding seekers toward spiritual enlightenment. My legacy as a symbol of profound wisdom and spiritual pursuit endures.

The Lost History of Earth

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With zero attempt from Mainstream Humanity to explain giant pieces of missing History of Earth—this documentary uses logic to tie it together.

The Minds of Men (2018)

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The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of Social Engineering and Mind Control during the Cold War. It is a mind-bending journey into the past, that gives startling insight into the world we live in today.

Admiral Byrd’s Antarctica Claim

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Admiral Richard E. Byrd led several expeditions to the continent, the most famous being Operation Highjump in 1946-47 and Operation Deep Freeze in the 1950s