Disease X Is Here
Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones live to deliver a bird flu global pandemic update.
Dr. Peter McCullough Shares Disturbing News
A study by Aldén and colleagues showed something alarming.
Energy Now 2017
The fossil fuels industry is still very lucrative and has the power to repress the introduction of new technologies that threaten their own business….
Illuminati: Satanism & Abuse within The Elite
Documentary: Illuminati, Satanism & Abuse within The Elite.
Kayla’s Story
Kayla was left an incomplete quadriplegic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and she is now making it her life’s mission to expose what happened to her and inform others.
Millions Watched, But Missed One Key Detail
May this be shown to whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear.
The Great Reset Explained
If the elites that control this world succeed, we will all be living like slaves in digital concentration camps.
Klaus Schwab Resigns
Harrison Smith joins Maria Zeee to discuss what Klaus Schwab’s resignation really means.