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The Tomb of Gilgamesh

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Hillary Clinton’s search for the body of Gilgamesh and the buried Nephilim and why the U.S. really went to war in Iraq.

Secret Nazi Expeditions

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The Ahnenerbe, or “Ancestral Heritage,” was a Nazi-era institute founded in 1935. It aimed to study the supposed cultural and racial history of the Aryan race.

About Syria

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What happened when Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Vladimir Putin, and Bashar al-Assad ALL rejected the Rothschild banksters, jewish supremacy and Israel?

Project Artichoke

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Could drugs and psychological torture turn an average person into an unwilling assassin?

The H. Debunked

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Fred Arthur Leuchter Jr. is an American manufacturer of execution equipment and Holocaust denier, best known as the author of the Leuchter report.

Vril Energy and German UFO Technology

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Walter Russell’s ideas challenged conventional scientific thought of his time, particularly in how he viewed energy, matter, and the nature of the universe.