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The Entire Financial System Is A Scam

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Ken O’Keefe is a multifaceted activist, former U.S. Marine, and advocate for peace and justice, known for his outspoken views on geopolitics and human rights.


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Phones are secretly flashing the mark of the beast on people’s foreheads with invisible IR light… LED lights and phones being used for mind control.

The Future Of Medicine

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Medicine will soon all be algorithmic, where you have a digital ID. The AI system will come back with your personalized treatment based on what you’re worth to the system.

Secret Nazi Expeditions

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The Ahnenerbe, or “Ancestral Heritage,” was a Nazi-era institute founded in 1935. It aimed to study the supposed cultural and racial history of the Aryan race.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients

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Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Zeitgeist 2025

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Masonic Rituals, Satanism, US Capital Prophecy.

Heavy Metal and Autism

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When researchers studied the baby teeth of children with autism, they found higher levels of metal in them.

Dr. Ardis Blows The Whistle on COVID-19

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Dr. Bryan Ardis blows the whistle on covid-19 and clot shots attacking the body like snake venom and he speaks on detoxification and prevention of damage.