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Hydrogen Peroxide

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Hydrogen peroxide: it eliminates toxins, viruses, germs and it also kills cancer and tumor tissue.

Ex-MIB Joseph Spencer

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Men in Black, Agenda 2030, Viruse, Population Reduction, Fluoride, Chemtrails, DUMBS,Project Blue Bea.m..

Trace Amounts (2014)

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Trace Amounts is an investigative documentary exploring the link between the mercury based preservative thimerosal and the autism epidemic.


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Liquified dead people fed to the living in America.

The Dimming

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Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary.

A Shot In The Dark: Part 1 (2018)

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The truth about vaccines. Please share so the world can wake up. They hide videos like these for a reason, they do not want you to know what vaccines are doing to your health and your children’s health.