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The Knights of Zion (2019)

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Centuries after their inception, the Freemasons’ secret rites and rituals remain as mysterious as ever.

Kayla’s Story

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Kayla was left an incomplete quadriplegic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and she is now making it her life’s mission to expose what happened to her and inform others.

Died Suddenly – Documentary

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5 billion vaccinated worldwide, and many are dying suddenly. Is this the greatest orchestrated die-off in the history of the world?

Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer

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Carbon dioxide in the past has been much, much higher than now. We’re currently at 0.04%. For most of geological time, it was about 20%.

Out of Shadows

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An exposé on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content.