Senior US military officer: ‘Zero doubt’ of alien life on earth
Colonel Karl Nell is the former director of the Pentagon’s UAP task force.
Colonel Karl Nell is the former director of the Pentagon’s UAP task force.
Colonel Karl Nell sat down at SALT iConnections New York with Alex Klokus interviewed where Knell discussed evidence of non-human intelligence on earth.
Dante Santori, a former special forces sergeant from Europe, translated a secret book about aliens from Russian to English, capturing the minds of many believers in extra-terrestrial life.
With zero attempt from Mainstream Humanity to explain giant pieces of missing History of Earth—this documentary uses logic to tie it together.
Prof. Kevin Knuth is particularly recognized for his contributions to exoplanet research and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Graham gives a presentation at UCL’s Logan Hall, London, expanding on some of the themes of his Netflix series ‘Ancient Apocalypse’.