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Monarch: Beta Sex Kittens, Patsies & Super Soldiers

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Monarch mind control, stemming from the MKULTRA experiments, employs trauma-based techniques to fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative identities.

Schumann Resonance

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Schumann resonance is a natural electromagnetic phenomenon that occurs in the space between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.

Directed Energy Weapons

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Check out the UN’s own listing of patents to target innocents with various weapons including DEWs.

Energy Now 2017

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The fossil fuels industry is still very lucrative and has the power to repress the introduction of new technologies that threaten their own business….

Best of Terrence Howard – JRE

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Have you ever encountered something truly astounding, but you can’t fully grasp its meaning or the technical terms involved, yet you instinctively feel its importance?