Level Earth (Documentaries)
The First Flat Earth Documentary covers the basic understanding of our true cosmology and the heavy censorship involved on discovering this truth.
The First Flat Earth Documentary covers the basic understanding of our true cosmology and the heavy censorship involved on discovering this truth.
Stellium7 presents the discoveries and theories regarding both the fallen titan Montgo, and the widespread prevalence of petrified organs.
Wernher von Braun, Carol Rosin, Flat Earth, Nazi, Space, Firmament and Alien Invasion…
This imposing megalithic wonder is composed of massive polygonal granite stone blocks intricately stacked and aligned in a perfectly straight line.
The Mystery of Mont’e Prama: Legends persist in Sardinia that a race of giants ruled the country and built the ‘Giant’s Graves’ and the ‘Nuraghe’ megalithic towers.
Carbon dioxide in the past has been much, much higher than now. We’re currently at 0.04%. For most of geological time, it was about 20%.
With zero attempt from Mainstream Humanity to explain giant pieces of missing History of Earth—this documentary uses logic to tie it together.