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great reset

The Tartarian Meltdown

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This documentary communicates evidence of a giant catastrophe – whether it be a Mud Flood, Fire, or something that wiped out a previous civilization.

Ivermectin Can’t Be Stopped

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The first peer-reviewed protocol using Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for cancer treatment has been published.

Aluminum In Vaccines

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Aluminum is now known to be neurotoxic and the root cause of many serious illnesses.

Nanowires and Nano Sheets

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Dr. Robert Young outlines what he has been seeing from jabbed autopsies – and what is happening to jabbed pilots.

Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines

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Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates.

Gravity Is Just Density

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Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

There Was No Pandemic

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There was no pandemic, and the lie was maintained in order to inject… 5.5 billion people with an intentionally dangerous substance.