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Flat Earth Dave on Roseanne Barr Podcast

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They are trying to hide God with scientism. Flat Earth Dave explained how his search for truth eventually led him to know we are intelligently designed by a creator.

Monarch: Beta Sex Kittens, Patsies & Super Soldiers

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Monarch mind control, stemming from the MKULTRA experiments, employs trauma-based techniques to fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative identities.

Operation Mockingbird

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Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program during the Cold War that covertly recruited journalists to influence media and public opinion.

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens

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In 2018, the WEF discussed the possibilities of Mind Control using sound waves. This is something that several people have claimed to be a target of.

Out of Shadows

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An exposé on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content.