Overcast (2015)
“Overcast” is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most of us would consider normal: Jet contrails that spread into clouds…
“Overcast” is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most of us would consider normal: Jet contrails that spread into clouds…
Artificial intelligence, combined with “our ability to edit genes”, will enable us to dramatically reduce methane emissions by “making the cows better”…
Chemical characterization of freshly emitted particulate matter from aircraft exhaust using single particle mass spectrometry.
Barium, a soft, silvery-white alkaline earth metal, and aluminum, a lightweight metal with diverse industrial applications, are dispersed at high altitudes…
Uncover the enigmatic history of Antarctica, delving into Admiral Richard Byrd’s expeditions and the mysteries surrounding projects like “Die Glocke.”
Directly labeled Conspiracy Theorist as soon as you mention weather modifications..