Radiofrequency Attacks
Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!
Are you hearing voices in your head? it’s because they are using silent weapons for quiet wars!
Klaus Schwab was recruited by Henry Kissinger, who in turn was recruited by none other than the forefather of globalism himself, David Rockefeller.
Within the not-too-distant future, it will be possible to actually use this technology to make changes in humans.
Plandemic is the name of a trilogy of conspiracy fact films produced by Mikki Willis communicating corruption about the COVID-19 pandemic.
The WEF has issued a fresh warning about an era of “shock events,” but that era is already here as governments around the world aggressively turn against their people.
Documents reveal mass extinction event in 2025 that will lead to the collapse of civilization and the depopulation of the majority of people on planet earth.
In this documentary, you will be taken on a journey through the untold history and psychological theory that has been deliberately hidden from the people.
Club of Rome member Dennis Meadows hopes the “necessary” reduction of the Earth’s population, down to one billion people.
According to WEF “agenda contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance”.
BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, speaking at the WEF: “Substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.”
Oil is naturally produced from within the earth, like the blood within our bodies. It is a renewable resource which can never run out.