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An Era of “Shock Events” is Already Here

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The WEF has issued a fresh warning about an era of “shock events,” but that era is already here as governments around the world aggressively turn against their people.

Yuval Noah Harari on Covid

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According to WEF “agenda contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance”.

Substituting Humans For Machines

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BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, speaking at the WEF: “Substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.”

Testimony: “We Invented mRNA as a Bioweapon”

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The ### invented mRNA technology in conjunction with other organizations, according to the bombshell testimony of an agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens

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In 2018, the WEF discussed the possibilities of Mind Control using sound waves. This is something that several people have claimed to be a target of.