The Story of Film Director Stanley Kubrick
The story of how Film Director Stanley Kubrick who died in suspicious circumstances tried to show through his filmography hidden truths.
Monarch: Beta Sex Kittens, Patsies & Super Soldiers
Monarch mind control, stemming from the MKULTRA experiments, employs trauma-based techniques to fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative fragment an individual’s psyche into dissociative identities.
Pre-Historic Underground Megastructure Found in Russia
In 2011, Arthur Zhemukhov, who is a Russian speleologist made an astonishing discovery at the Khara-Hora mountain peak.
American Moon
Massimo Mazzucco exposes the Apollo Moon Landing as a Hollywood stunt. This is by far the most complete and professional analysis that digs down deep to debunk the debunkers.
Forbidden Technologies, Their Inventors Suppressed
The complete documentary by “Universe Inside You”.
Yale’s Secret Exclusive Society Producing America’s Leaders
Yale’s Skull and Bones is one of the most famous and secretive collegiate societies in America.
The Universal Antidote (2021)
The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since then, thousands have recovered from illness using this substance.
Pre-Historic Megalithic Jars
Bada Valley is home to a mysterious collection of cylindrical stone jars and numerous humanoid-looking statues whose origin and purpose cannot be explained.