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Level Earth (Documentaries)

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The First Flat Earth Documentary covers the basic understanding of our true cosmology and the heavy censorship involved on discovering this truth.

Convex Earth

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Convex Earth – Flat Earth 100% Scientific Proofs Documentary

The Phenomenon (2020)

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This documentary examines unidentified aerial phenomenon. With testimony from high-ranking government officials, and NASA Astronauts, Senator Harry Reid says it “makes the incredible credible.”

Petrified Titan

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Stellium7 presents the discoveries and theories regarding both the fallen titan Montgo, and the widespread prevalence of petrified organs.

The Ancient Stone Giants of Sardinia

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The Mystery of Mont’e Prama: Legends persist in Sardinia that a race of giants ruled the country and built the ‘Giant’s Graves’ and the ‘Nuraghe’ megalithic towers.

The Knights of Zion (2019)

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Centuries after their inception, the Freemasons’ secret rites and rituals remain as mysterious as ever.

Old World Order (2024)

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Our history has been fabricated. The official timeline of our recent past, does not match our reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication.