Insiders Admit Vaccinated Men Are Being ‘Chemically Castrated’
According to new research, vaccinated sperm is refusing to swim and instead ties itself into knots by self-assembles into bizarre 3D ribbon-like structures.
According to new research, vaccinated sperm is refusing to swim and instead ties itself into knots by self-assembles into bizarre 3D ribbon-like structures.
Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Alex Jones In-Studio To Discuss Shocking New Developments Concerning The COVID-19 Injections.
Alfie Oakes discusses how his farming operation is fighting back locally against globalist control of the food supply worldwide.
In 2021 NTI predicts a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected.
Breast cancer is a food-born illness primarily caused by pesticides sprayed on our food.
The entire narrative of cholesterol being the villain in heart disease was built on a lie.
Tucker Carlson, Casey Means MD and Calley Means on autism, diabetes, cancer, hepatitis and vaccines…
Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.
“Science for Hire” reveals the corruption within medical organizations, scientific publications, and regulatory agencies, where misinformation thrives.
Normal Total Cholesterol level used to be 300. Then Normal changed to 240…then 190. Now they want it closer to 150…
1867 Medical book reveals truth about doctors, health, drugs, and what our world was really like in the mid 19th century and it isn’t what we have been told!