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Germany Turns On Corrupt EU Parliament
An explosive investigation into systemic corruption at the heart of European governance.
Fauci: Torturing, Killing Orphans with AIDS Pharma
Sadistically using children as guinea pigs for his previous big project.
Millions Watched, But Missed One Key Detail
May this be shown to whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear.
German MEP Christine Anderson: Stop Complying, Start Rebelling
Future totalitarian regimes no longer require electrified barbed wire fences. All they need is a phone, a QR code, a digital ID, and then they can do with you whatever they want, and that is scary.
The Club of Rome and the Origins of Agenda 2030
The Club of Rome is a Masonic lodge founded in 1968 on David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy.