California Fires
A Forensic Arborist has Determined that Nearly All Wildfires in California since the Paradise Fires have been Caused by Direct Energy Weapons.
A Forensic Arborist has Determined that Nearly All Wildfires in California since the Paradise Fires have been Caused by Direct Energy Weapons.
Havana Syndrome is a mysterious condition causing dizziness, headaches, and cognitive issues.
Energy could be free, but that would mean you’d be free too—and they don’t want that.
Phones are secretly flashing the mark of the beast on people’s foreheads with invisible IR light… LED lights and phones being used for mind control.
Medicine will soon all be algorithmic, where you have a digital ID. The AI system will come back with your personalized treatment based on what you’re worth to the system.
Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Dr. Bryan Ardis blows the whistle on covid-19 and clot shots attacking the body like snake venom and he speaks on detoxification and prevention of damage.
Dr. Larry Burk highlights the dangers of 5G technology, Wi-Fi, and wireless devices, while also offering practical solutions to reduce EMF exposure.
Major Tom Haviland joins Maria Zeee to discuss new survey results with embalmers confirming the strange white clots are persisting as at the end of 2024.
Dr. Sabine Hazan has uncovered a fascinating link between gut bacteria and Covid-19 severity.