Ex-MIB Joseph Spencer
Men in Black, Agenda 2030, Viruse, Population Reduction, Fluoride, Chemtrails, DUMBS,Project Blue Bea.m..
Men in Black, Agenda 2030, Viruse, Population Reduction, Fluoride, Chemtrails, DUMBS,Project Blue Bea.m..
An explosive investigation into systemic corruption at the heart of European governance.
Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to protect yourself and your family.
United Nations assembly meeting in 2006, on the subject of chemtrails and what they’re doing.
The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzheimer’s and Autism.
According to WEF “agenda contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance”.
If you thought Covid was bad, wait till you hear what’s brewing with bird flu.
The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since then, thousands have recovered from illness using this substance.
If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie to cover it up.