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Ivermectin and Parkinson’s Disease

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Can Ivermectin play a key role in treating Parkinson’s Disease?

Two new peer reviewed papers and a PhD Thesis strongly suggest it can.

William Makis MD took a look at 2020 paper by Warnecke et al, 2024 paper by Wadsworth et al and a 2021 PhD Thesis by Dongwook Wi.

Here are some highlights:

2020 Warnecke et al:

The present study found that Ivermectin significantly altered rotational behavior in male and female mice using a mouse model of DA-depletion demonstrating significant differences based on sex.

The findings implicate the potential use of Ivermectin as a lead candidate for use as a novel adjunct therapy in combination with L-DOPA for Parkinson’s Disease patients.

2021 Dongwook Wi PhD Thesis:

The possible application of Ivermectin (IVM) in conjunction with L-DOPA for PD patients was introduced as a new treatment therapy in this study. By showing the efficacy of IVM on two PD animal models, including MPTP and 6-OHDA, IVM’s function to modulate DA mediated behaviors in PD would suggest as a new therapeutic for neurodegenerative disease in the future.

new therapeutic for neurodegenerative disease in the future

2024 Wadsworth et al:

Importantly, when IVM was co-applied with L-DOPA, there was a greater amount of DA release than with L-DOPA alone.

Ivermectin itself increases DA release in the DS through cholinergic mechanisms, which could potentially benefit those with dysfunction in DA circuity, including those with Parkinson’s Disease, mood disorders, or attention deficit disorder.

[Via: @MakisMD]