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Ivermectin Tested Against 28 Types Of Cancer

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A research group from Mexico investigated Ivermectin in Cancer

Paper: 2020 (Juarez et al) – Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug.

Ivermectin was tested at 2mg/kg/day which translates to roughly 5uM in vitro concentration

The most sensitive cancer cell lines were:

  1. Ovarian
  2. Breast
  3. Glioblastoma
  4. Lung Cancer
  5. Colon Cancer
  6. Uterine SCC
  7. hepatocellular
  8. breast TNBC
  9. Pancreatic
  10. Endometrial

Least sensitive were:

  1. osteosarcoma
  2. gastric
  3. melanoma

Although lymphoma and leukemia cell lines appear to be more resistant to Ivermectin, Ivermectin has a significant impact on those cells’ ability to form colonies.

Ivermectin is useful against BOTH lymphomas and leukemias.

Ivermectin also goes after cancer stem cells, which tend to be resistant to chemotherapy:

Ivermectin has a preferential depletion effect on the cancer stem-like cell population…

We observed that among all the evaluated cell lines, a decrease in cell viability and clonogenicity is more evident in the cancer stem-like cells than in their parental population.

Key findings of this study:

At a human dose of 2mg/kg, Ivermectin can achieve anti-cancer effects such as cell cycle arrest (inhibit proliferation), preferrential inhibition of cancer stem-like cells, synergize with several chemotherapy drugs and inhibit tumor growth in a breast cancer mouse model.

Remember: Turbo Cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are very resistant to chemotherapy. Ivermectin can overcome this chemo resistance.

[Via: @makisMD /]