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Aluminum In Vaccines

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Aluminum is now known to be neurotoxic and the root cause of many serious illnesses. What the pharmaceutical companies don’t make public is that the use of aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant was never rigorously tested before going on the market. The Aluminum adjuvant was only tested for 28 days, on two rabbits, the remains of which have mysteriously disappeared.

Injecting Aluminum has devastating effects on the human body and calls into question the public health policies around aluminum in vaccines and the failure of health agencies globally to respond to the known neurotoxic effects of this powerful vaccine ingredient on the human body

Dr. Romain Gherardi discussing how he first discovered Aluminum, that is used as an adjuvant in many childhood vaccines, does not always stay at the injection site. It sometimes travels, with the help of macrophages, to the lymphatic system, organs and brain. That is where it remains for many many years wreaking havoc on the human body, especially infants.